Browse our comprehensive list of immigration and asylum acronyms and abbreviations.
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AAAdministrative Assistant
AASCAccompanied Asylum Seeking Child
ACIDAsylum Cases Information Database
ACUAsylum Co-ordination Unit
ADCSAssociation of Directors of Children’s Services
ADSUAsylum Decision Service Unit
AEAAfter Entry Appeals
AFBAsylum Fingerprint Bureau
AFUApplication Forms Unit
AGAsylum Group
AIAsylum Immigration / Asylum Instruction
AIOAssistant Immigration Officer
AIRAsylum Interview Record
ALUAsylum Liaison Unit
ANApplication for Naturalisation
AOAdministrative Officer
APCAppeals Processing Centre
APUAsylum Policy Unit
ARCAsylum Registration Card
AREAppeal Rights Exhausted
This is used to describe a person who has been refused asylum or any form of temporary protection, or whose leave to remain has expired and an application to extend it refused, and who has exhausted all possible appeals
ASCMPAsylum Support Case Management system
ASF1Asylum Support Form
ASSAppeals Support Section
ASUAsylum Screening Unit
ASYSAsylum Support System
AVRAssisted Voluntary Return
B (OS)Application form to register as British citizen
B (OTA)Application form to register as British citizen
BCBritish Citizen
BCIBorders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
BCPIBorder control Policy Implementation
BCUBusiness Case Unit
BEOBedford Enforcement Office
Brit CitBritish Citizen
C/NCall Note
CAMHSChild and Adolescent Mental Health Services (NHS)
CCTCriminal Casework Team / Complex Casework Team
CEUCroydon Enforcement unit
CIDCase Information Database
CIGCountry Information Guidance
CIOChief Immigration Officer
CJEUCourt of Justice of the European Union
CL(C)Charge Leave (Croydon)
CMUCasework Management Unit
COAChange of Address
CoATChange of Address Team
COCChange of Circumstances
CPCCentral Point of Contact
CPSCrown Prosecution Service
CR (1)Application for blue or yellow certificate for Croatian
CR (2)Application for blue certificate for Croatian
CR (3)Application for purple certificate for Croatian
CR (4)Application for residence card (non-EEA family of Croatian)
CR (5)Application for an accession residence card (non-EEA family of Croatian)
CRIComputer Records Immigration Service Hybrid / Computer Records Immigration Service Investigation Section
CRTSCase Resolution Team South
CTDConvention Travel Document
CWCase worker
CYPChildren and Young People
CYPChildren and young people
DBSDisclosure and Barring Service
DCDetention Centre
DCMDialogical Communication Method
DDVDestitution Domestic Violence concession (application for victims of domestic violence)
DEMPUDetainee Escorting & Population Management Unit
DLDiscretionary Leave
DMDecision Maker
DMCDocument Management Centre
DPAData Protection Act (1998)
DPUData Protection Unit
DQSPData Quality Special Projects (formally Case Cleansing and Cestations team)
DRDetention Review
DRF1Application form for derivative residence card in UK
E&EImmigration Service Evidence & Enquiry Unit
EAEmergency Accommodation
EASExisting Asylum Seeker
ECEntry Clearance
ECFExceptional Case Funding
ECHREuropean Convention on Human Rights
ECJEuropean Court of Justice
ECOEntry Clearance Officer
ECtHREuropean Court of Human Rights
EDDEnforcement Distribution Desk
EDRExpected Date of Release
EEAEuropean Economic Area
EEA (EFM)Application form for a registration certificate or residence card for an extended family member
EEA (FM)Application form for a registration certificate or residence card for a family member
EEA (PR)Application form for a document certifying permanent residence or permanent residence card
EEA (QP)Application form for a registration certificate as a qualified person
ELRExceptional Leave to Remain
ELTEExceptional Leave to Enter
EMEEast Midlands Enforcement
EOExecutive Officer
ERCUEnforcement and Removals Caseworking Unit
ESTEmergency Support Token
ETDEmergency Travel Document
EUEuropean Union
EVEmergency Voucher
EV’sEmergency Vouchers
FAOFor Attention Of
FASFailed Asylum Seeker
FCFile Creation
FCOForeign and Commonwealth Office
FGMFemale Genital Mutilation
FLRFurther Leave to Remain
FLR (AF)Application form to extend stay in UK (HM Forces)
FLR (BUS)Application form to extend stay in the UK
FLR (DL)Form to apply to extend stay or settle in the UK as a person who was refused asylum
FLR (FP)Application form to extend stay in the UK
FLR (HRO)Application form for applications outside the Immigration Rules based on human rights
FLR (IR)Application form broadly for applications made under the Immigration Rules not covered by another form
FLR (LR)Application form to extend stay in UK (long residence)
FLR (M)Form to apply for an extension for stay as the partner (together with any dependent children) of a person present and settled in the UK, or of a person with limited leave or humanitarian protection
FLR (O)Form to apply for an extension of stay in the category of academic visitor, domestic worker, UK ancestry, visitor for private medical treatment, dependant of a person who has limited leave to enter or remain in the UK other than under the points based system, general visitor, or other purposes/reasons not covered by other application forms.
FLR (P)Application form to extend stay in UK as child of a refugee
FLR (S)Application form to extend stay in UK as a stateless person
FLTRFurther Leave to Remain
FOIFreedom of Information
Form ANApplication to naturalise as a British citizen
Form EMApplication form to register as British citizen
Form NCApplication for duplicate citizenship certificate
Form NRApplication for review when British citizenship is refused
Form NSApplication for confirmation of British nationality status
Form TApplication for confirmation of British nationality status
FRFinal Refusal
FREFirst Reporting Event
FSDFinancial Services Directorate
FTPFoundation Training Programme
FTRFailure to Report
FTSFile Tracking System
FTTFailure to Travel
FTTIACImmigration and Asylum Chamber, First-tier Tribunal
GANGatwick North Terminal
GATGatwick / Gatwick South Terminal
GCIDGeneral Cases Information Database
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
GOAGrounds of Appeal
HATHousing + Accommodation
HCHigh Commission
HC2Health Certificate
HEOHigher Executive Officer
HMIHer Majesty’s Inspector
HMRCHer Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (responsible for the collection of tax)
HOHome Office
HOFHome Office File
HPHumanitarian Protection
HRHuman Rights
HRAHuman Rights Act (1999)
HSMPHighly Skilled Migrant Program
I/TIn time / In Transit
IAAImmigration Appellant Authority
IAFImmigration Asylum Fingerprint
IAFT-5Appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) – Complete This Form if You Are Appealing From Inside the United Kingdom and You Have the Right to Do So
IBPDImmigration and Border Policy Directorate
IBUInterview Booking Unit
ICCInitial Consideration Croydon
ICDIntegrated Casework Directorate
ICIIndependent Chief Inspector
ICSInitial Consideration Sheffield
ICUInitial Consideration Unit
IEIIllegal Entry Interview
IESIllegal Entry Section
IFBImmigration Fingerprint Bureau
IHSImmigration Health Surcharge
ILL CLNIllegal Clandestine
ILRIndefinite Leave to Remain
ILR WPPLeave to Remain With Previous Passport
INDImmigration + Nationality Directorate
INDECSImmigration + Nationality Enquiry Bureau
INEBImmigration Nationality Enquiry Bureau
IOImmigration Officer
IRCImmigration Reception Centre
ISImmigration Service
IS96Most people who are subject to immigration control and are not detained are on temporary admission, which usually includes regular reporting requirements. They will have been given a form called IS96.
Asylum seekers who apply at a port of entry may be granted temporary admission to the UK and given an IS96 letter, which can later be used to obtain an ARC. IS96 letters may also be issued to people who are released from detention.
ISDUImmigration Service Documentation Unit
ISHQImmigration Service Headquarters
ISTInterim Support Token
ITIn Time
JIUJoint Intelligence Unit
JRJudicial Review
KCSKeeping Children Safe
LALocal authority
LAALegal Aid Agency
LASPOLegal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
Lay ByHold/Store for Files
LCLanding card
LCCWLiverpool Charged Casework
LCULanding Card Unit
LEOLocal Enforcement Office
LGBTLesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
LGBTILesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex
LHRLondon Heathrow
LKALast known address
LSCULondon Support Casework Unit
LTELeave to Enter
LTRLeave to Remain
LWTLondon Workflow Team
M/CertMarriage Certificate
MCTMinisterial Correspondence Unit
MCUMinisterial Correspondence Unit
MEUMidlands Enforcement Unit
MLRMedico Legal Report
MN1Application form to register child under 18 as British citizen
MODCUManagement of Detained Cases Unit
MOEMethod of Entry
MPCSMinisterial Correspondence Section
MPOMP’s Office
N/ANo Action
N/ANot Applicable
NASSNational Asylum Support Service
NASS 1Nass Application Form
NCCNon Charging Casework
NDNationality Directorate
NFANo Further Action
NINONational Insurance Number
NKNot Known
NPNon Political Asylum
NRMNational Referral Mechanism
NRPFNo Recourse to Public Funds
NSANon-suspensive appeals
NSA hubNon-suspensive appeals processing team (in the Home Office)
NTLNo Time Limit (form to apply for an indefinite leave stamp)
OCCOffice of the Children’s Commissioner
OISCOffice of the Immigration Services Commissioner
OOTOut of Time Application
OPROther Ports Removal
OSCUOperational Support & Certification Unit
PAPolitical Asylum
PAQPolitical Asylum Questionnaire
PBSPoints Based System
PCUPublic Caller Unit
PEOPublic Enquiry Office
POAPort of Arrival / Proof of Address
POUPresenting Officers Unit
PRPolice Registration
PROFFCEPrivate Office
PSPolice Station
PSGParticular Social Group
PTAPost Tribunal Appeal / Permission to Appeal
PTSDPost Traumatic Stress Disorder
QAQuality Audit
QATQuality Audit Team
R/PResidence Permit
RCReporting Centre
RCTRemovals and Cessation’s Team
RCUResidual Casework Unit
RDRemoval Directions
RFRLReasons for Refusal Letter / Reasons for Refusal
RGRemovals Group
RIFRefugee Index Forum
RLERefuse Leave to Enter
ROARight of Appeal
RODMURegional Management Detention Management Unit
RPUReturn of Passport Unit
RRReporting Restriction
RSRegular Support
RS1Application form to register as British citizen
RSTRegular Support Token
RSTRemovals and Cessations Team
RVRegular Vouchers
S of SSecretary of State
S.55 dutyThe duty imposed by section 55 of the Borders Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
S1Application form to register as British citizen
S2Application form to register as British citizen
S3Application form to register as British citizen
SABSubject Access Bureau
SAGStatement of Additional Grounds
SALStandard Acknowledgement Letter
SARSubject Access Request
SCQSelf-Completion Questionnaire
SCWSenior Caseworker
SEFStatement of Evidence Form
SEOSenior Executive Officer
SETApplication for Settlement
SET (AF)Settle in the UK as a former member of HM Forces
SET (DV)Application form to settle in the UK as a victim of domestic violence
SET (F)Application form to settle in the UK as a child under 18
SET (LR)Application form to settle in the UK on the basis of long residence
SET (M)Application form to settle in the UK as the partner of a person who is in the UK and settled here
SET (P)Application form to settle in the UK as a refugee
SHASecure Handling Area
STSupport Token
T/CTelephone call
T/CALLTelephone call
T/SOLSTreasury Solicitors
TATemporary Admission
TDTravel Documents / Team Dispatcher
TD112 BRPApplication for Home Office travel document
TN(3)Terminal (3) Heathrow
TN2Terminal 2 Heathrow
TRTemporary Release
UASCUnaccompanied Asylum Seeking Child
UKUnited Kingdom
UKBAUK Border Agency
UKFApplication form to register as a British citizen
UKMApplication form to register as a British citizen
UKPAUnited Kingdon Passport Agency
UKVIUK Visas and Immigration
UNCRCUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child
UNHCRUnited Nations High Commission for Refugees
UTIACUpper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
VAFVisa Application Form
VAF AFApplication form for UK visa as member of HM Armed Forces
VAF1AApplication form for UK visa as member of HM Armed Forces
VAF2Application form for UK visa (non PBS work or UK ancestry)
VAF4AApplication form for family visa (family settlement or reunion, family joining refugee, or access rights to a child)
VAF4BApplication form for a UK visa as a returning resident
VAF5Application form for EEA family permit
VAF7Application form for certificate showing right of abode
VAF9Application form for UK visa under the points-based system
VARPVoluntary Assisted Returns Programme
VIPPVignette in previous passport
VLVoucher Letter
VOTVictim of Trafficking
VRSVoluntary Returns Service
VVIPPVisitor Visa in Previous Passport
WHWorking Holidaymaker
WIPWork in Progress
WPWork Permit
XLTEExceptional Leave to Enter
XLTRExceptional Leave to Remain