MiCLU has provided bespoke training on issues relating to migrant and refugee children’s rights to lawyers, NGOs, children’s charities, community and voluntary sector organisations and statutory agencies.
We work with young people to design and deliver training both for young people and for the professionals supporting them, as well as facilitating peer-to-peer training through our Breaking the Chains project.
We’ve enjoyed a close working relationship with the young people from Brighter Futures (based at Praxis) for many years. Look out for our lawyer Anna who was interviewed by some of the young people at Brighter Futures in this brilliant video.
A group of our young clients were part of the JustRights make our rights a reality manifesto.
For training events open to the public please check our events listings.
If you would like to enquire about the delivery of young people-led training for professionals please contact us at miclu@islingtonlaw.org.uk or complete the contact form.
Responsibility Shared: Children’s Rights Legal Education Programme
In 2016 MiCLU received funding from the Legal Education Foundation to develop and deliver ‘Responsibility Shared,’ an innovative new legal education programme to increase awareness of child rights law among professionals who work directly with migrant and refugee children and young people in the UK, with the aim of improving quality advice and support provision for this vulnerable group.
With Responsibility Shared we took a unique approach to the design and delivery of legal education and children’s rights awareness: highly collaborative and multi-disciplinary, working closely with lawyers, academics, social and health care professionals and many more to create a platform to share expertise and knowledge co protect children and young people.
One of the events held as part of Responsibility Shared was our #PrecariousCitizenship conference. Click here to access the resources from the event.