This directory was created to help young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers find nearby support services.

Search for a keyword, location or organisation name in the search field to see information about available services, or browse via the map.

Services are checked regularly by volunteers. If you see any mistakes, please let us know by clicking ‘amend this listing’ at the end of entries. If you are aware of a service that doesn’t appear here, please let us know using the contact form on the main website

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Afghanistan and Central Asian Association Office
169 Staines Road


ACAA work with Afghans and Central Asians living away from home, Information and advice on housing, benefits and entitlements, health, education, employment and more is available at our drop-in centre.

Also providing English language classes, employment workshops, women’s support group, Saturday school and homework club, youth & family support services, telephone advice and social events.

Opening hours

Hounslow: Mon-Fri – 9:30am–5pm, Sat – 11am-4pm
Deptford: Mon-Thurs – 10am-5pm, Fri – 10am-2pm, Sat – 11am-4pm

See website for full details

Date Last Checked: 12/11/2018 Amend this listing
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41 Old Hospital Mews, Hospital Walk, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 5RU

  • Multi-lingual information, advice and guidance
  • ESOL classes
  • Form completion
  • OISC level 1 advice

ACCESS project workers speak Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Polish and English and use a telephone interpretation service for other languages.

Drop in services:

King’s Lynn, 41 Old Hospital Mews, Hospital Walk, King’s Lynn, PE30 5RU
Tuesday – 10:00 – 13:00 and Wednesday – 16:00 – 19:00

Wisbech, The Queen Mary Centre, Queens Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 2PE
Monday – 16:00 – 19:00 and Friday – 10:00 – 13:00

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Unit 3D/F Leroy House 436 Essex Road London N1 3QP


Support for children, young people and families, information, education, and advisory services.

AFRUCA works with families on a one-to-one basis to provide child protection awareness and positive parenting skills to parents and carers of black / African background. AFRUCA also provide specialist support to young Africans aged 12-25 who have been victims of child trafficking.

AFRUCA Offices are opened from 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday

AFRUCA accept referrals from statutory agencies such as Children’s Services departments and the police and also accept referrals from individuals.

Please contact Samantha-Angela Thompson (Senior Social Worker) on 0207 704 2261/07864650814 (Emergency Contact) or email to discuss a family referral. Please contact the Anti-Trafficking team on 0207 704 2261/07864650819 (Emergency Contact) or email for further information on anti-trafficking services or to discuss a referral. Referral forms are available online.

AFRUCA also have a centre in Manchester:

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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Ashley Community Housing (ACH)

2nd Floor, Eden House, Eastgate Office Park, Eastgate Rd, Bristol BS5 6XY


ACH provide an accommodation-based model of integration support for refugees in Birmingham, Bristol and Wolverhampton. They also provide training and employment services.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Asylum Crisis West Midlands Project

ASHA, Unit 7, Business Park, 4DW, Cooper St, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 4DN


The project supports asylum-seekers in West Midlands to access legal advice and submit their applications for asylum support (s95, s4 and sch10 applications). The project also assist clients with asylum support appeals and to gather the evidence needed to lodge fresh asylum claims. Working closely with legal representatives in the area. At the ASHA project in Stoke-on-Trent every Thursday

Date Last Checked: 19/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Bradbury House, 7 Lowe Street, Camp Hill, Birmingham


Supports asylum-seekers in West Midlands to access legal advice and submit their applications for asylum support (s95, s4 and sch10 applications). Project also assist clients with asylum support appeals and to gather the evidence needed to lodge fresh asylum claims. Working closely with legal representatives in the area. On Tuesdays 10am – 4pm at the British Red Cross in Birmingham.


Call us on 0121 201 3090 (weekdays from 9.30am until 4.30pm)

Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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St Peter’s Centre, Charles St, Coventry, CV1 5N


The Asylum Crisis West Midlands project provides destitute people who are seeking asylum with the expert advice and casework they need to access support including: s95, s4 and sch10 applications. Project also assist clients with asylum support appeals and to gather the evidence needed to lodge fresh asylum claims.

This service supports asylum seekers in the West Midlands (Birmingham, Coventry and Stoke on Trent) who have had their applications for asylum refused and who need support from the Home Office.

Friday’s from 10am until 4pm

Also call us on 0121 201 3090 (weekdays from 9.30am until 4.30pm).

Check website for coronavirus updates.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team (ASIRT)

109 Zellig Gibb St Birmingham B9 4AT


ASIRT is a not-for-profit OISC regulated advocacy organisation which provides legal support and representation to asylum seekers and other undocumented migrants in the West Midlands.

ASIRT can help with:

  • Human rights applications (including help with fee waivers)
  • Applications for recourse to public funds
  • ‘Zambrano’ applications
  • Fresh asylum claims
  • Applications for local authority Children Act/Care Act assessments
  • Training around migrants’ health and social care rights for local professionals.

ASIRT help those that are not eligible for publicly funded legal representation, and lack the financial resources to be able to pay for private representation to help regularise their immigration status.

Date Last Checked: 20/01/2020 Amend this listing
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The Jain Centre, 669 Stockport Road,
M12 4QE


Aim to protect people’s rights to housing and food and lift people out of poverty while also giving advice about rights and other sources of support to enhance wellbeing. Offers the following support:

  • Application for asylum support (formerly NASS)
  • Asylum support appeals
  • Applications for extra payments for children and exceptional needs
  • Help to find legal aid solicitors
  • Help with healthcare (registering with GP, challenging NHS fees, applying for NHS fee exemption)
  • Referrals to homeless charities, welfare charities and social services
  • Referrals for food parcels
  • Signposting to organisations to help with status housing and benefit advice

During the Covid-19 emergency they are advising people by telephone.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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The Blagrave Arms, Blagrave Street, Reading


Last Tuesday of every month, 6pm – 8pm. BeYOU gives the opportunity to meet like-minded people, make friends and just….beYOU

Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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32 Gregory Boulevard
Hyson Green


Belong is a user led centre for migrants and refugees supporting them to reach their full potential by understanding their needs. Provides employability programme, English classes, IT classes, welfare support, youth programme.

Office opening times are as follows:

Monday – Thursday: 10am – 4pm

Friday: 10am – 1pm

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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C/O The Gap Centre 42 Stow Hill Newport South Wales NP20 1JG


Welsh Refugee Council provides a women’s drop in group at Bethel Community Church in Newport on Wednesdays from 12pm to 2:30pm. The group is a ‘Stay and Play’ session and run in partnership with the Sanctuary Project Newport. It offers women and children a safe space to play and enjoy craft activities together. It also provides an opportunity to network with other groups that focus on education and health, as well as those that organise daytrips and visits.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Bradford Immigration and Asylum Seekers Support and Advice Network (BIASAN)

The Deaf Centre, 20 Hallfield Road, Bradford, BD1 3RP

Bradford Immigration and Asylum Seekers Support and Advice Network [BIASAN] provides support, befriending and signposting to asylum seekers and refugees.
BIASAN’s activities include:
• Conversational English classes: Wednesdays and Thursdays 4.00pm-6.00pm
• Women’s club for support to women and children. There is a sewing club and second-hand goods are often available, as well as friendship, networking, art activities, talks, etc: Thursdays 1.00pm-4.00pm
• Drop-in for asylum seekers and refugees, with a free evening meal at 6pm: Thursdays 5.30pm – 7.30pm
• One-off activities such as residential, seaside trips, music fund-raisers, talks and discussions.
Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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BRASS Bolton – Befriending Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The Park Lodge Green Lane, Great Lever Bolton, BL3 2HP


•Support and information to access public services e.g. Health, Housing, statutory agencies etc.
•Workshops to promote understanding of UK life, rights and responsibilities and community participation.
•Opportunities, training and support to develop skills as peer supporters and volunteers.
•Support to move into employment through skills development, job search, CV writing and confidence building.
•Means to reduce isolation by promoting well-being through creative, fitness, healthy eating, group activities and drop in befriending services.
•Signposting to appropriate agencies and organisations, locally and nationally.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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British Red Cross, Refugee Support Hackney

Hackney Destitution Resource Centre 92 Dalston Lane, E8 1NG


Daycentre facilities, activities, emergency provisions.

Monday ; Tuesday & Thursday 10:30am-2:30pm

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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British Red Cross, Refugee Support, Liverpool

Bradbury House, Tower Street Brunswick Business Park Liverpool L3 4BJ


Help with urgent needs and casework and advice. Office is closed, appointments only.

Date Last Checked: 20/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Bryson House, 28 Bedford St, Belfast BT2 7FE


A social enterprise providing a reception service for newly arrived asylum seekers and those supported by the National Asylum Support Service (NASS). Advice covering NASS support, the asylum application process, liaison with the Home Office, referral to external support agencies and supporting access to community groups.

The Asylum Advice service is open Monday–Friday from 9am to 5pm (closed 1pm – 2pm).

Date Last Checked: 13/06/2019 Amend this listing
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16-18 Arbury Court Cambridge CB4 2JQ


CECF Refugee Services is a part of the Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum, which provides advice and practical help to asylum seekers and refugees in Cambridge, including accessing asylum support, immigration advice, specialist counselling and ESOL.

Refugee Surgeries:
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

Date Last Checked: 05/02/2020 Amend this listing
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CARIS Haringey, St Philip's Church, Philip Lane, N15 4HJ


Charity for homeless families. Services are open to everyone in temporary accommodation in the London Borough of Haringey, for refugees, asylum-seekers, victims of domestic violence, and those with mental health issues.

CARIS Haringey also run a free Summer Playscheme for children and young people in temporary accommodation.

See website to contact via email

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Centre for Youth Integrated Development (CYID)

Office 8 Edward Cecil House, 799, London Road, Grays, Essex, RM20 3LH


Services centred on empowering individuals through learning and development of enterprise-based vocational training. CYID provide detainees and vulnerable individuals with skills which enable them to thrive, increase income potential, boost their confidence, and improve their wellbeing.

Date Last Checked: 10/02/2020 Amend this listing
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Transformation Community Resource Centre, 11 Richmond Grove, M13 0LN


They organise a Community Meal every last Sunday of the month at the Transformation Community Resource Centre. They cover bus fares for asylum seekers who need it.


Also provide or signpost to English classes in Manchester (see website for further information).

Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Voluntary Action Swindon, 1 John Street, Swindon, SN1 1RT


A hosting scheme for those in the asylum process who may find themselves destitute. They can also provide free bus passes, and hold a coffee evening every Thursday 6.30pm-8.30pm at Unit 1a, Canal Walk, Swindon
SN1 1LD (see:

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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12 Adelaide Street London WC2N 4HW


Connections is a charity that operates emergency accommodation for rough sleepers in the Westminster borough of London. To access the services here you have to have been sleeping rough in Westminster. They have a day and night centre and they offer a range of other services for vulnerable homeless people.
Drop in Service Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9am to 1pm

We provide tailored employment support and training, volunteering opportunities and housing advice. We also provide a variety of specialist services to help clients cope with the physical and psychological effects of being homeless, empowering them to develop their strengths and ability to change their own future and recover from homelessness – working with clients, not for them.

We provide a range of activity groups which reduce isolation and encourage people to explore or discover new interests.

We also offer hot meals and showers, access to medical appointments and somewhere warm and safe to sleep in our Emergency Accommodation.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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104b Denmark Road, Moss Side, M15 6JS


Mon-Fri 10.30am-4pm
Food and drink, clothes washing facilities, showers, haircuts, computers with internet, access to telephone, arts and crafts, counselling. Revive Dental Care once a month on Thursday 10.30am-12.30pm

Check website for coronavirus updates.

Date Last Checked: 27/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Coventry Asylum & Refugee Action (CARAG)

311 Stoney Stanton Road Coventry ​CV6 5DS


A group based in Coventry which aims to help asylum seekers and refugees in the Midlands region of the UK. CARAG are a community group made up of asylum seekers and refugees based in Coventry, who meet once a week to discus issues asylum seekers face in UK asylum system. CARAG also regularly invite people or other organisations to come attend our meetings to share their views, ideas, help or advice.

Date Last Checked: 19/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Endeavour Centre, Sherborne House
34 Decima Street


The charity focuses on young people in crisis and beyond. Supporting young people by offering a safe place to stay in a crisis, helping to take the step from homelessness into stable housing, and providing specialist long-term support to help get lives back on track.

See Depaul website for more details

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Derby Refugee Advice Centre (DRAC)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Centre, 99 Curzon Street, Derby, DE1 1LN


A Drop-in session every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-4pm. The centre itself is open Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm, and on Saturdays from 12pm to 4pm.

Date Last Checked: 05/02/2020 Amend this listing
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Derbyshire Refugee Solidarity, St Anne's Church, Whitecross Street, Derby, DE1 3NE


Grassroots movement working to provide aid and support to refugees.

Open Thursdays 9:30am – 12:30pm
Run events and help people get to know Derbyshire.

Offers weekly English sessions and a wide range of other activities including Music, Art, Gardening, Yoga, DJ skills and sewing.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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DOST Centre for Young Refugees & Migrants

Newham Leisure Centre
281 Prince Regent Lane
E13 8SD


Youth Project for young people, aged 13-19 years of age, from a refugee, asylum seeking or migrant background from anywhere in London.

ESOL class every Monday 3.30pm – 5.30pm, Custom House Library, E16 3JJ

Youth Sports Club, Mondays and Thursdays, 6pm – 8pm, Newham Leisure Centre, E13 8SD

Numerous trips and residentials.

Referrals to other programmes and services.

Date Last Checked: 20/01/2025 Amend this listing
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702 High Rd Leyton, Leyton, London E10 6JP


Help all members of the community with legal advice and representation about immigration and asylum law, irrespective of income level. Once they know the details of your case they may be able to offer free help. If you are not eligible for free help, they may still be able to help you through their non-profit fee paying service.

Date Last Checked: 20/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Emmanuel House Support Centre
53-61 Goose Gate


Emmanuel House provides a wide range of support and services for homeless and vulnerable adults in need, both in-house and in partnership with other organisations. They offer an Activities Programme, Wellbeing Support Team, Financial Inclusion, Drug & Alcohol Support, Victim Care, The Nottingham Winter Shelter and Nottingham Night Shelter, Support for Rough Sleepers and Building Better Opportunities.

Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Street, Norwich, NR2 2BJ

Free informal English classes and community activities.
English classes:
Mondays 10am – 12noon, St Luke’s Church, 61 Aylsham Road, NR3 2HF.
Thursdays 10am – 12noon, Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Street NR2 2BJ
Conversation Class:
Wednesdays 1pm-3pm, St Thomas’, Grove Walk, NR1 2QF
Art, Craft & Conversation:
Tuesdays 12.30pm-2.30pm, Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Street NR2 2BJ
English+ is a charity which supports new communities in Norwich to learn English, form friendships and to make this city a home. English+ welcome anyone who finds themselves isolated by lack of English language including refugees and asylum seekers; beginners and advanced; young and old; all faiths and none.
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James Street Centre, 2 James Street, Southampton SO14 1PJ


EU Welcome provides information and support for arrivals in Southampton from the newer EU countries including Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Croatia. EU Welcome are able to offer help, advice and support for those speaking Polish, Latvian, Russian, Lithuanian & Hungarian.

Date Last Checked: 30/05/2019 Amend this listing
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St Mary’s Parish Hall, 28- 29 Bridge st, Sunderland, SR1 1TQ


FODI aims to improve the mental health and well-being of the asylum-seeking and refugee community of Sunderland, to lessen their social isolation and promote their integration into the wider community, by supporting and extending the activities of the Drop-In which is currently run on Wednesday afternoons from 1 – 4pm.

Date Last Checked: 05/02/2020 Amend this listing
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The Pearce Institute
840-860 Govan Road
G51 3UU


Community based organisation working in the south of Glasgow.

Provide direct services such as weekly drop-ins, advice, information and advocacy, cultural events, a community flat, English classes, destitution food project, hate-crime reporting and an interpreting service. In addition the network facilitates forums bringing together public, voluntary and community organisations with local people to help plan public services, promote equal rights and opportunities and cross-cultural understanding, and to build bonds and links within and between communities.

Drop-ins run from 10am-12pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Appointments can be booked from 2pm-4pm for more complicated issues.

Head of Charity
Traci Kirkland –

Groups Co-ordinator/Development Worker
Ruth Lamb –

Advice & Advocacy Service
Fiona Rennie – Caseworker –
Early Intervention Worker – Rachel Butter –
Early Intervention Worker – Niamh O’Sullivan –

Food Distribution Project 
Food Project Co-ordinator – Philippa Roloff –

Date Last Checked: 27/07/2020 Amend this listing
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St Peters Square, Nottingham, NG1 2NW

Guru Nanak’s Mission prepare up to 70 hot meals, pack them and serve them in Nottingham City Centre. Monday and Thursday.
Volunteers cook in a communal kitchen in a Gurdwara in Nottingham and the meals are handed out every week in St Peter’s Square at 7.30pm.
GNM can also provide emergency food parcels on a referral basis.

Date Last Checked: 06/02/2025 Amend this listing
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Great Yarmouth Library Tollhouse Street Great Yarmouth NR30 2SH


Through a walk-in & appointment service Gyros provide free information, advice, guidance and advocacy on a range of topics, including: Housing, Benefits, Debt, Health, Rights in the UK, Police, Education, Immigration, EU settlement scheme, Work/Job Club.
09:30 – 11:30 Drop in/ Job Club
13:00 to 15:00

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Volunteering Matters The Old Crown court Civic Drive Ipswich: IP1 2DX


Through a walk-in & appointment service Gyros provide free information, advice, guidance and advocacy on a range of topics, including: Housing, Benefits, Debt, Health, Rights in the UK, Police, Education, Immigration, EU settlement scheme, Work/Job Club.
10:30 – 12:30 Drop in
13:00 – 16:00 Appointments

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Sam's cafe 132 Bevan St East Lowestoft NR32 2AQ

Information, advice and guidance sessions on: Housing, Benefits, Accredited Debt Advice, Health, UK Rights, Immigration, Police, Education – schools and university, Accompany to interviews, Substance Misuse & addictions.
Fridays 9.30 – 11.30 drop-in – Starts 13th March 2020
Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Abbey Neighbourhood Centre, Exeter Way Thetford IP24 1QE


Through a walk-in & appointment service Gyros provide free information, advice, guidance and advocacy on a range of topics, including: Housing, Benefits, Debt, Health, Rights in the UK, Police, Education, Immigration, EU settlement scheme, Work/Job Club.
Last Thursday of the month:
10.00 – 12.00 Drop in
12:30 to 15:00 Appointments

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Hackney Community Law Centre, 8 Lower Clapton Road, London E5 0PD


If you have an immigration or asylum law query or problem please call our reception on 020 8985 5236 to tell us more and see if we can help.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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36 St James Road,
DE23 8QX


The Hadhari Nari project consists of a women’s advice and information centre which acts as the main referral point for all women seeking refuge. It offers temporary secure accommodation in the form of two women’s refuges. The advice and information centre offers counselling, support, pregnancy testing, outreach aftercare, self help group legal and health surgeries.

The information line and advice centre are open

Monday Tuesday and Thursday 9am – 5pm



Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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  • Free ESOL sessions at three levels (E1, E3 and L1)
  • Opportunities for integration through social interaction
  • Services to help gain employment – CV, Job application support, volunteer opportunities, one-to-one support
  • General help and support for anyone struggling or lonely
  • Support with benefits
  • Signposting to local services

The Hanseatic Union are based in Kings Lynn and utilise a number of community venues. Those accessing the service are predominantly Eastern European due to the area however all nationalities are welcome. The best way to be in touch is through Facebook: search for “Hansos Unija” or “Hanseatic Union”.

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Room F3, Leemore Central Community Hub, Bonfield Road, Lewisham, London, SE13 5ES


Every Saturday between 10.00-12.00 noon.

Once a week Helping Hands Foodbank provide food boxes to refugees and asylum-seekers and local vulnerable migrants.

Date Last Checked: 17/01/2018 Amend this listing
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Key House, 106 High Street, Yiewsley, Middlesex UB7 7BQ

  • Educational and structured recreational activities to enhance the quality of life and integration into the local community for young refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Weekly befriending service working with volunteers providing learning opportunities via structured activities.
  • Recruitment, training and coordination for volunteers.
  • Practical support of donations of food and clothing.
  • Daily one to one and group providing support to further assist young people with: volunteer placements; CV and letter writing; budgeting; referrals; English; Maths; emotional and miscellaneous support.
  • Weekly outreach services to hostels and supported accommodation.
  • Practical living skills; access to practical activities; outdoor activities; informal and formal education; training; drama; arts and crafts; creative reading and writing workshops
Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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c/o Jericho Trust, 196-198 Edward Street, Balsall Heath, B12 9LX


Hope Projects is a small charity that can house and support some people if they have nowhere to live and no money at all and they have been refused asylum, and we believe that refusal is wrong. 

Must be referred through partner organisation – British Red Cross or Refugee and Migrant Centre.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Immigration Legal Advice Centre (ILAC)

2 Wellington Place Leeds LS1 4AP


Immigration Legal Advice Centre provides affordable immigration legal advice and representation covering a wide range of immigration, asylum and nationality matters both at application and appeal stage. (ILAC are a community interest company and operate on a “not for profit” basis.)

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Information Centre For New Arrivals – Wellingborough, Northants

46-50 Palk Road, Victoria Centre, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1HR

The Information Centre for New Arrivals raises awareness of services that are available to new arrivals and supports people accessing these services.
The Information Centre sees clients on a one-to-one basis and provides support as they settle in the UK. The Centre works with people that are new to the UK including refugees, asylum seekers and European migrants.
Languages spoken: The centre encourages new arrivals to speak English and only use translators when essential.
There is no cost for the service.
Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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2 Chandeler Street, E1W 2QT


A service for destitute asylum seekers who are not eligible for asylum support, section 4 support, or assistance from social services. They welcome all nationalities and faiths.

For help and support from the Day Centre, you first need to book an appointment to register with our services. Please call the main office on 020 7488 7310 and someone will be happy to help you. You will need to bring your papers about applications and decisions to the appointment.

If you’re in detention and looking for support and advice, please call the Detention Outreach team on 020 7488 7319.

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Unit 4D, Leroy House, 436 Essex Rd, London N1 3QP


Just for Kids Law help young people navigate their way through challenging times: whether they are facing difficulties at school, mental health, immigration or youth justice issues, are being denied benefits, have problems accessing social services, or are homeless.

Just for Kids Law also fight for wider reform, taking the evidence from their direct casework as the starting point.

Just for Kids Law have a team of advocates who work with young people everyday. An advocate supports a young person to make sure their views and wishes are heard and respected. The advocates offer tailored, one-to-one support every step of the way. This often includes working collaboratively with lawyers to provide young people with a wide range of legal expertise and assistance. This ‘holistic support’ ensures young people get all the help they need.

Self-referrals accepted. Call, email or use the online referral form:

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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135 Norton Rd, Stockton-on-Tees TS18 2BG


Mainly working with failed asylum seekers, assisting with gathering the evidence to help mount appeals, helping access practical help to meet basic needs, including food, clothing and a very limited amount of financial assistance, which comes from a separate fund. People come to Justice First with a wide range of problems and requests. The focus is to help to re-engage with the legal system by submission of a fresh claim, or further appeal/judicial review.

Date Last Checked: 19/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Karma Nirvana is a national helpline that supports victims and survivors of all ages and genders who have experienced a forced marriage and honour based abuse. The support is also available to professionals who are working such cases.

The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Date Last Checked: 30/05/2019 Amend this listing
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Kent and Sussex British Red Cross – Refugee Support and Restoring Family Links

36A Pelham Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0HZ

We offer group sessions developing life skills for young refugees and asylum seekers aged 15 – 25 years. This includes various organized activities and trips. Our group sessions are designed to meet the needs of young people we are working with at the time. The group session is held at Gravesend office (Thursdays, 18:00 – 21:00) with new sessions coming to Gillingham (Wednesdays) and Maidstone (TBC).
Individual casework is largely delivered from our Gravesend office on Mondays and Thursdays, although case work is also available from our Maidstone and Canterbury locations on an ad hoc basis.
Opening hours:
Main office: Gravesend – Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00
British Red Cross Refugee Support don’t have an office in Sussex but deliver other services there such as International Family Tracing, and are partnered with Voices in Exile.
Date Last Checked: 15/12/2017 Amend this listing
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Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) – Ashford hub

Ashford Baptist Church, St Johns Ln, Ashford TN23 1PS


(See also separate map listings for KRAN in Folkestone and Canterbury)

Learning for Life classes: Monday and Thursday 10–1pm

Football sessions: Monday

Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) – Folkestone Hub

The Shed, Bradstone Avenue, Folkestone, CT19 5AQ


(See other map listings for KRAN in Canterbury and Ashford)

Football sessions: Wednesday

Women and childrens: ESOL classes: Tuesday

Learning for Life classes: Monday – Thursday 10–1pm

Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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105 Barton Road, Lancaster, LA1 4EN

  • Helping to make it practically possible for Lancaster and Morecambe to accommodate refugees and asylum seekers by providing the relevant support such as housing, health, befriending and English lessons.
  • Acting as a welcome and support network to those refugees who come to Lancaster and Morecambe.
  • Initial support, drop-ins, bikes for all, football, sewing circles, special events.
Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Third Floor 27 East Street Leicester LE1 6BN

Orientation, refugee advice service, form filling, signposting, informal casework, foodbank, clothing donations.
Monday 10am – 3pm
Tuesday 10am – 3pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10am – 3pm
Friday 10am – 3pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Date Last Checked: 20/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Holy Cross, 45 Wellington Street, Leicester. LE1 6HW


Leicester City of Sanctuary runs its main drop-in centre for refugees and asylum seekers every Wednesday afternoon 11am to 2 pm. They teach people to use computers, run sewing classes, a knitting circle and other craft activities. They have games for adults and children’s toys.

Date Last Checked: 19/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Founded in 2007, they support lesbian and bisexual women asylum seekers and refugees based in Greater Manchester
Many of the women contacting LISG did not feel able to be open generally about their sexuality. The group gives these women a place to be themselves with other lesbian and bisexual asylum seekers, refugees and supporters.
Also give additional support where possible, depending on the needs of the individual women including: support through the legal process, petitions for individual women to support their fight to stay in Britain, help with grants for women given refugee status and more.
Check Facebook page for updates.
Date Last Checked: 27/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Leroy House, 436 Essex Road, London, N1 3QP


Let Us Learn is led by young migrants who understand what it feels like to live in secret for fear of stigma they run a range of activities that other young migrants can get involved in:

– Monthly gatherings – Fun drop in sessions for like minded people, with special guest speakers;

– Core campaign team meetings – Anyone committed to helping other young migrants can join; and

– Campaign events.

The Let us Learn team can also provide advice on student finance eligibility under the long residence route:

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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The Inspire Centre, 747 Stockport Rd, Manchester M19 3AR

Cafe and community centre. Refugees and asylum seekers welcome. English classes.
Every 2nd and last Thursday of the month, between 4 and 6, a group of people that have been detained in IRC meet there for a social afternoon. The peer-support group is called the Community Champion Project and their aim is to offer activities, food and mutual support.
Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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All Saints Hatcham Community Centre, 107 New Cross Rd, London SE14 5FF


The Lewisham Migrant Hub is a drop-in service located in New Cross offering free advice and practical support to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the Borough of Lewisham.

The hub offers:

  • General advice
  • Support for survivors of domestic abuse
  • eVisa support

There is a limited number of immigration and housing advice sessions at each drop-in and it is not guaranteed that visitors to the Hub will be able to see an adviser. It is first come, first served. However, there is no need to queue.

To access the Migrant Hub, visit on a Wednesday to register for support at 10:00am.  The hub will be available for questions and signposting until 3pm.

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28A Queensway, London W2 3RX


LondonHelp4U is an immigration company with over 17 years of visa applications. Our mission is to help individuals, families and businesses succeed with their visa applications. They offer great value for money with fixed prices and no hidden charges.  They offer consultations in many languages, in person, by Skype or over the telephone at a time to suit you. A 24 hour help line service is always available in case of emergencies

Call (+44) 0207 636 8500 – from UK, (+55) 11 3283 0906
Monday to Thursday from 10am to 7pm / Friday from 10am to 6pm (UK time zone)

WhatsApp Helpline+44 78 9176 4830, Available 24/7

See website to book a consultation

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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1st Floor, St Anne's Centre, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, L7 3HJ


Provide support for Merseyside refugee communities and local support organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers. We provide refugee clients with 1-2-1 advocacy support to help with integration, benefits, housing, employment etc.

Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Methodist Asylum Project Middlesbrough, MAP

54 Borough Rd, Middlesbrough, TS1 2JH


A programme of services including 2nd hand clothing and household goods distribution, a regular weekly activities programme, and one-off classes, collaborations, outings and activities, which are often delivered in partnership with others.

Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Sacred Trinity Church, Chapel St, Salford M3 5DW


Manchester Migrant Solidarity (Manchester MiSol) is a self-help group set up as a convergence space for all migrants including asylum seekers offering practical and social activities for mutual support, empowerment and solidarity with non-migrants to build a powerful political voice against the systematic mistreatment of migrants in the UK.

They meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 1-4pm.

Here are some of what they undertake:
  • Awareness raising of migrants and asylum seekers’ issues
  • Workshops (appeals, legal, campaigning etc.)
  • Language help/lessons
  • Socials (cooking etc.)
  • Anti-deportation mobilisation and detention support
  • Film showings/talks/info sessions
Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Methodist Central Building, Oldham St, M1 1JQ


Migrant Support is a registered charity in England and Wales (1167430) based in Manchester, aimed to support most vulnerable migrants living in GM, promotes social inclusion and fair approach to migration.
Language, employment and integration hub. Conversation on Thursdays and Fridays 10am-1pm

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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New College Drive Swindon SN3 1AH


New College run a language lounge once a week (not in the school holidays though) every Tuesday evening where people can have conversations with others who want to practice their English in a relaxed environment.

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68 Chalton St, London, NW1 1JR


A support network for 16-21 year olds who have no one else to turn to. New Horizon Youth Centre provide everything from hot food, showers and laundry to finding accommodation, training and employment. Services include counselling, drug and alcohol support, health, fitness, art, music and communication skills workshops.

Open seven days a week from 10.30am to 4.00pm

General info: 0207 388 5560
Youth work: 0207 388 5570
Advice: 0207 388 5580

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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New Step for African Community (NESTAC)

237 Newstead Lower Falinge Rochdale OL12 6RQ


A charitable community organisation aimed at supporting refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants from the new emerging communities, with a focus on those from African origin living in the North West of England. Open Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm

Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Oasis House 35-37 Campbell Street Northampton NN1 3DS


Hope centre assists a variety of different vulnerable people, including refugees and asylum seekers.

People are welcome to visit the Day Centre Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 1.00pm

Open on Saturdays 9.30 am-12.30pm only for those of no fixed abode (NFA), including those who are street homeless.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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69B Splott Road, Cardiff, CF24 2BW


Free space with social and learning activities. During the week the centre is open to refugees and asylum Seekers. Oasis run various women only sessions and groups, art classes, English language classes, sports sessions, daily advisory sessions, advocacy forums, relaxation sessions and free lunch every week day.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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1 Mercer Rd, Manchester M18 8JR

  • Emergency Provision – we have both a process for self-referral and a system of referrals from other agencies such as Job Centre Plus, local G.P.s, housing providers, churches and schools. These clients are often in desperate need of food and clothing, so we provide nutritious emergency food packs and good quality clothing packs.
  • Cafe – The Oasis Centre is open four days each week, and it includes a free cafe providing hot nutritious, well-balanced breakfasts and lunches to individuals and families.
  • Charity Shop – We provide clients with the opportunity to access affordable clothing and other items, through our ‘pop-up’ charity shop in the centre.
  • WELL-BEING SUPPORT – clients are given access to opportunities which promote the value of physical, emotional and mental well-being, e.g. trips, parties and other social days plus open access Health and where local and relevant well-being services promote their services to our clientele.
  • LEISURE ACTIVITIES – We offer pool, table-tennis, board games and quizzes at each of our sessions as a means of addressing the boredom needs of a more diverse group of potential clients.
  • COMMUNITY SUPPORT TEAM – with interventions as described above (in RE-BUILD).
  • GROUP ACTIVITIES – short-term programs, such as craft workshops, gardening and a choir.
  • BASIC ADULT LIFE-SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMme (‘FREEDOM ED’) – clients are given the opportunity to develop the pre-requisite skills necessary for a functional lifestyle and successful employment. We introduce them to literacy, numeracy, home economics and art in a creative and non-threatening way. This one year programme includes: Urban Art; Cookery Workshop; English For Everyone; Maths Made Easy and Science workshops.
  • ONE-TO-ONE PHONICS & READING PROGRAMmeS – We offer individual support in learning the basics of reading, writing and phonics.
Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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The Open Hands Compassion Centre, 23-25 Highfield Street (on the corner of Highfield Street and Upper Tichborne Street), LE2 1AB.


Individuals with restricted financial means to access food & no other support can be referred to us for help.

Provide pre-packed emergency food hampers for individuals going without. Generally, this works out at one bag of food per adult and one bag of food for every two children. The majority of items we give are store cupboard items.

Anyone working with an individual on a professional basis (not a family member or friend) can refer someone to Open Hands.

Centre opening hours: 10-11am Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Check website for all coronavirus service updates.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Afghan Association Paiwand
11 High Street


A charity offering community Saturday Schools for children; housing, enrichment and careers support for teenagers who are living in the UK alone. Also providing free English classes for adults, mental health support and help people to navigate the immigration process and access basic services.

Date Last Checked: 22/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Community Based Office Broome House, 54-56 Seymour Grove, Old Trafford, Manchester, M16 0LN


The Centre helps provide support to the South Asian Communities in mental health, welfare rights, counselling, domestic violence, learning disabilities and the criminal justice system.

The Trafford South Asian Mental Health Service works with South Asian individual’s (aged 18 years and above) experiencing mental ill-health, their carers, families and communities. The team can converse in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and English.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Plumstead Community Law Centre

36 Wellington Street, Woolwich London SE18 6PE (main address; see below section for different services offered and their address)


Call the helpline for Immigration Enquiries Every Thursday 10am – 12nooon.

The advice line is temporarily closed, but you can find them at the following drop-in services which run on a first-come first-served basis:

Tuesday 10.00am to 1.00pm: Migrant Hub, Woolwich Common Community Centre, Leslie Smith Square, SE18 4DW

Thursday 10.00am to 12.00pm: Glyndon Community Centre, Raglan Road, SE18 7LB

Immigration law areas that they cover.

Regularising Status

Entry Clearance

Leave to Remain

EEA Applications

E-Visa Support

DDV Concessions

Fee Waiver Applications

Date Last Checked: 13/02/2025 Amend this listing
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Positive Action in Housing Ltd., floor 6 (press 9 at the door), 98 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1PJ


Positive Action brings practical support to refugees and migrants to help them rebuild their lives. Positive Action host a number of drop-ins throughout the week; for the Syrian community (Wednesdays 10.30am – 12pm), EU migrants (Thursdays 2pm – 4pm), for housing advice (Wednesdays 2pm – 4pm), destitution advice (Tuesdays 2pm – 4pm, Thursdays 10am – 12pm) and welfare rights and money advice (Wednesdays 10am – 12pm). See website for further details of services offered.

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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St Joseph's Hospice, Mare St, London E8 4SA


Project 17 works to end destitution among migrant children. They work with families experiencing exceptional poverty to improve their access to local authority support. Project 17 provide advice, advocacy and support for individuals. They also build capacity in other organisations and campaign for the improved implementation of statutory support.

Individuals: call Project 17 to discuss your situation on 07963 509 044.

Advisers: call Project 17 to discuss your client’s case on 07701 330 016

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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Church of St Paul and St Hojn, 113 Abbey Hey Lane, Gorton, M18 8TJ


A place of welcome, support, and opportunity for displaced people in Manchester and Salford.

A destitution project for asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants. Activities, meals, advisers, mental health team and second hand clothes store.

Doors open at 9.30 in Gorton and stay open until 3 pm.
A hot meal is available between 12 and 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch. We ask for a small donation from those who can afford it.
There is a small second hand clothes stall in Gorton selling donated clothes and clean bedding at very cheap prices.
Rainbow Haven’s buildings may be closed due to coronavirus – check website.
Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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The Emmanuel Centre, 174 Langworthy Road, Salford, M6 5PN


A place of welcome, support, and opportunity for displaced people in Manchester and Salford.

A destitution project for asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants. Activities, meals, advisers, mental health team and second hand clothes store.

Doors open at 9.50 in Salford and  stay open until 3 pm.
A hot meal is available between 12 and 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch. We ask for a small donation from those who can afford it.
There is a small second hand clothes stall in Gorton selling donated clothes and clean bedding at very cheap prices.
Rainbow Haven’s buildings may be closed due to coronavirus – check website.
Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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The Square Stockton-on-Tees TS18 1TE


Two Drop-In sessions.

The first is on a Monday from 1:00pm until 3:00pm. This is a mixed session for both men and women. You can sit and relax and chat, have a coffee or tea and biscuits, or join in with some of our activities. Attendees play a variety of games like table tennis, table football, board games and the service also runs craft classes for those who enjoy being creative. There are English lessons (please see the drop down menu on the website for more details) and the ladies can take part in a nail craft programme. Downstairs is the RAS barber, so if you need a haircut, come along and get one! There is also a clothes point. If you are short of any items of clothing, they will do their best to help you find what you need.

There is also another session on a Friday from 10:00am until 12:30pm. This session is especially for ladies and children, and activities include a variety of crafts, English lessons and support with legal cases. Help is also given to those who need clothes and other essential items. For more information please contact the Church office or speak to Claire Paxton or Cath Ingram at the church.

Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Refugee & Asylum Participation Action Research (RAPAR)

6 Mount Street
M2 5NS

RAPAR (Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research) is a Manchester-based human rights organisation working with people, both locally and further afield, who are at risk of having their rights denied.
They work with people facing challenges relating to citizenship, housing, deportation, employment, education, personal safety and other problems. They enable people’s access to the services they need, and release their abilities to find effective solutions to challenges facing them.
Services include: Drama groups; community development groups, casework assistance and more.
Date Last Checked: 27/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Refugee Advocacy, Information and Support (RAIS)

The Cornerstone, Sulyard Street, Lancaster LA1 1PX

Mondays and Thursdays: drop-in from 3.00 until 5.00 p.m.
At the drop-in RAIS can explain official correspondence from the Home Office and other agencies.
RAIS can provide information on matters including housing, benefits, employment, education, family reunion and applying for indefinite leave to remain. They will refer or signpost to other professional agencies for advice where appropriate.
There are some computers available for refugees/asylum seekers to use, with help on hand if needed.
Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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1st Floor, the Salvation Army Building, 32 Manor Park Rd, London, NW10 4JJ


Refugee Support Network provide a range of services which help 15-25 year olds seeking safety in the UK to get into, stay in and do well in education:

Educational mentoring:
RSN recruit and train community volunteers to provide bespoke 1:1 educational mentoring – a blend of EAL tutoring and wellbeing support – to young people in their area across London, Oxford and Birmingham.

Specialist educational support:
Across London, RSN provide personalised advice, guidance and psychosocial support to young people who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) or facing significant barriers to educational progression.

Access to higher education:
RSN facilitate, through a national helpline and face-to-face sessions in London, advice and support for young people who have the academic potential to attend university but who face challenges in doing so because of practical and immigration status-related barriers.

Innovation stream:
RSN’s new three year strategy has introduced an innovation stream. The focus of this stream in 2018-19 is a values-based leadership course for young refugees and asylum seekers.

See RSN’s FAQ page on accessing university ( or call their national advice line (07597583228) if you are a young person (aged 16-24), a parent, teacher, advisor, university staff member, social worker, or are dealing with this issue in any other way.

RSN’s helpline is not currently operating set hours so please leave a clear message with your name and number. The helpline messages are regularly checked and one of our team will call you back. Alternatively email to

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership (REAP)

Key House 106 High Street, Yiewsley Middlesex UB7 7BQ


Running English classes, support for women and young people, and community meals. Email for more information.

Date Last Checked: 05/02/2020 Amend this listing
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The Charis Centre, West Green Drive, Crawley RH11 7EL


Refugees Welcome supports refugees and vulnerable migrants in Crawley and surrounding areas.

They can help with:

  • Clothes and shoes and essential items
  • English classes
  • Finding a solicitor
  • Useful information

  • ‘Signposting’ to other local organisations who can help
Date Last Checked: 20/01/2025 Amend this listing
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3rd Floor, 24 George Square G2 1EG


Refuweegee is a community-led charity providing practical support and a warm welcome to refugees and asylum seekers in Glasgow. Refuweegee offer immediate assistance by providing emergency food packages, clothing, essential toiletries and household items to help people settle comfortably and stay connected. Everything they distribute is donated by individuals and organisations across Glasgow, Scotland, and beyond, ensuring that those in need receive essential support without question.

Alongside meeting practical needs, Refuweegee provide compassionate care by distributing welcome packs filled with essentials and personal messages from locals, offering a safe and welcoming space at their city centre base with free snacks as well as tea and coffee. They run conversation clubs, workshops, social gatherings and hang out space. Volunteering opportunities create a chance for connection, purpose and helping people build new lives in the community.

Refuweegee believe in treating every individual with dignity and care, ensuring that everyone who arrives in Glasgow feels welcomed and supported.


Open Monday to Friday 9.30-5pm

Date Last Checked: 13/02/2025 Amend this listing
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c/o Jericho Foundation
196 -198 Edward Road
Balsall Heath
Birmingham B12 9LX


Have a befriending scheme, family activities, men’s activities, organize mentoring, and awareness raising.

If you are a refugee or an asylum seeker living in Birmingham, Solihull or Smethwick for LESS THAN 2 YEARS and would like to learn more about Restore’s activities – befriending or social activities – and get involved, please contact us.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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56 Castle Street
Dover Kent
CT16 1PJ


A charity for any ex-detainee, whether a refused asylum seeker, EU migrant, or other, can access free advice about their rights and assisted by caseworkers to access services to afford them basic human needs such as better accommodation, food and healthcare.

Ex-Detainee project Tel: 01304 201535 / 0800 9179397   Mon- Fri between 10.00am and 1.00pm

Date Last Checked: 22/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Sanctuary Church Cafe

Dallas Court, Salford Quays, M50 2GF


Support for asylum seekers signing at Dallas Court.

Open Tuesdays and Thursdays as a place to leave your name and number before entering Dallas Court in case you are detained and want your friend or solicitor to be contacted.

Also open on Mondays and Wednesdays afternoons during Foodbank as a place to wait for a friend or get a cup of tea.

Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Scottish Guardianship Service
Scottish Refugee Council
6th Floor, Portland House
17 Renfield Street
G2 5AH


The guardians help child refugees and victims of trafficking to navigate the immigration and welfare processes. They provide information and advice to make sure they feel empowered throughout the asylum process, they also act as advocates on their behalf. The guardians help them to make informed decisions about their future and to settle into a new life in Scotland.

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Mansfield House, 30 Avenons Road, Plaistow, E13 8HT


Shpresa is a user-led organisation that promotes the participation and contribution of the Albanian-speaking community in the UK. Shpresa run the following projects:

– Children and young people’s project aims to improve the life, the education and well-being of the Albanian speaking children from refugee, asylum and migrant backgrounds as well as enabling them to get their voices heard.

– Unaccompanied asylum seekers project provides advocacy, support and diversionary activities.

– Women’s support project including health and well-being of Albanian women tackling depression, isolation and social and economic exclusion.

– Dedicated project addressing domestic violence within the Albanian community.

– Albanian supplementary schools project provides classes in the Albanian language and dance.

– Volunteering project which promotes volunteering and access to employment.

Date Last Checked: 19/02/2019 Amend this listing
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Southampton & Winchester Visitors Group (SWVG)

PO Box 1615 Southampton SO17 3WF


• Befriending and offering one-to-one support to asylum seekers and refugees
• Offering modest financial assistance to those who are homeless and/or destitute
• Helping them to find and work with a solicitor to further their asylum claims
• Getting legal guidance for specific cases
• Working with other Southampton refugee to charities who run a weekly drop-in centre in the city
• Providing a range of activities for asylum seekers
• Giving one-to-one English teaching for asylum seekers with little knowledge of the language
• Reaching out to churches, schools and community groups who can help them

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Southwark Citizens Advice Bureau Drop-in – Walworth

SE17 2AY


Free legal advice and assistance for people living, working or studying in Southwark



Provides advice over the phone. Opening hours are as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday and Friday – 9.30am to 4.30pm ; Tuesday – 9.30am – 7pm

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Trinity Methodist Church at the Piercefield Place/ Newport Road Junction CF24 1LE


Space4u Provides a welcoming place for refugees and people who are seeking asylum. Drop in sessions every Monday 12.30 – 5.30 and Thursday 5:30pm – 7:30pm. They also run a Clothes Bank every Monday at 10am.

Other services also run from the centre such as the Welsh Refugee Council’s Play Project – a place for asylum seeking and refugee children to play.

Please note that the Trinity Centre is currently closed to the public as it’s undergoing a redevelopment, but the building will reopen in March 2025. The groups are currently in various locations, but will return to Trinity Centre.

Date Last Checked: 06/02/2025 Amend this listing
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St Pancras Refugee Service

8 Fairhazel Gardens, NW6 3SG


Offers one-on-one support, a free hot lunch, and a space to chat and socialise. Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am – 2pm.

Language support in Arabic, Tigrinya and Tigre.

Also hosts free community activities.

Date Last Checked: 17/02/2020 Amend this listing
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3 Thomas More Square, Tower Hill, London E1W 1YW


St. Mungos is a charity that helps rough sleepers and has hostels for accommodation. They accept referrals only from StreetLink . They run outreach teams and hostels in London for rough sleepers.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Leroy House, 436 Essex Rd, London N1 3QP

Stonewall Housing offers advice and support to LGBT people facing housing issues. They run a number of drop in sessions which is the first point of call for accessing their services. They also have a limited number of rooms to offer to young vulnerable LGBT people with low support needs.

Phone the advice line on 020 7359 5767 for confidential advice. The advice line is open every weekday between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm.

At other times please complete the online referral form below and we will call you back.

Different drop-ins:
Every Wednesday : 2.00-3.30 pm
Origin Housing
St Richard’s House
110 Eversholt Street
London NW1 1BS
Every Friday : 2.00-3.30 pm
London Friend
86 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DN
Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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15 Castle Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 7SB

A service to help those who need support with LGBT+ issues, and the inclusion of LGBT+ people.
The service is run by a dedicated team of volunteers who are responsible for delivering help and support available through the website, telephone helpline and face-to-face sessions.
Date Last Checked: 15/01/2020 Amend this listing
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7 Lowe Street, Camp Hill, Birmingham, B12 0ER

The Surviving to Thriving project is a partnership between the British Red Cross, Refugee Council and UpRising. It helps young refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-25 become active and valued members of their communities.
The project provides practical life skills and mental health support to young refugees, as well as developing their leadership and employability skills. The project also works closely with a number of local authorities that are increasingly looking after young refugees, building their capacity to deal with their specific needs.
Each partner has a unique offer for supporting young refugees through this project:
  • The Red Cross offers one-to-one case work on specific needs of the young refugees; group sessions designed to create social networks while increasing their knowledge, skills and confidence relating to their situation; and help with access to services including legal representation.
  • The Refugee Council offers therapeutic counselling, based on a combination of creative therapeutic approaches such as drama therapy, art therapy and one to one counselling.
  • UpRising introduce young refugees to the idea of leadership and social action, while building self-esteem and other key soft skills to raise their confidence and aspiration. This is done through a three month, part-time programme called ‘Find your Power’ that introduces social action as a means to develop leadership skills and community engagement.
British Red Cross group sessions and casework, as well as UpRising group sessions currently take place at British Red Cross office 7 Lowe Street, Camp Hill, Birmingham, B12 0ER.
Refugee Council therapeutic sessions take place at UpRising office 102 Colmore Row, Birmingham.
For further information or to make a referral to one or more services provided by the project email:
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The Refugee Council, Oak House, 94 Park Lane, LS3 1EL

The Surviving to Thriving project is a partnership between the British Red Cross, Refugee Council and UpRising. It helps young refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-25 become active and valued members of their communities.
The project provides practical life skills and mental health support to young refugees, as well as developing their leadership and employability skills. The project also works closely with a number of local authorities that are increasingly looking after young refugees, building their capacity to deal with their specific needs.
Each partner has a unique offer for supporting young refugees through this project:
  • The Red Cross offers one-to-one case work on specific needs of the young refugees; group sessions designed to create social networks while increasing their knowledge, skills and confidence relating to their situation; and help with access to services including legal representation.
  • The Refugee Council offers therapeutic counselling, based on a combination of creative therapeutic approaches such as drama therapy, art therapy and one to one counselling.
  • UpRising introduce young refugees to the idea of leadership and social action, while building self-esteem and other key soft skills to raise their confidence and aspiration. This is done through a three month, part-time programme called ‘Find your Power’ that introduces social action as a means to develop leadership skills and community engagement.
UpRising does not operate in Leeds, but only in the other 2 project locations: Birmingham and Luton.
Both British Red Cross group sessions and casework and Refugee Council therapeutic support take place at the Refugee Council, Oak House, 94 Park Lane, LS3 1EL.
For further information or to make a referral, please email
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British Red Cross, 232 Dunstable Road, Luton, LU4 8JL

The Surviving to Thriving project is a partnership between the British Red Cross, Refugee Council and UpRising. It helps young refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-25 become active and valued members of their communities.
The project provides practical life skills and mental health support to young refugees, as well as developing their leadership and employability skills. The project also works closely with a number of local authorities that are increasingly looking after young refugees, building their capacity to deal with their specific needs.
Each partner has a unique offer for supporting young refugees through this project:
  • The Red Cross offers one-to-one case work on specific needs of the young refugees; group sessions designed to create social networks while increasing their knowledge, skills and confidence relating to their situation; and help with access to services including legal representation.
  • The Refugee Council offers therapeutic counselling, based on a combination of creative therapeutic approaches such as drama therapy, art therapy and one to one counselling.
  • UpRising introduce young refugees to the idea of leadership and social action, while building self-esteem and other key soft skills to raise their confidence and aspiration. This is done through a three month, part-time programme called ‘Find your Power’ that introduces social action as a means to develop leadership skills and community engagement.

Both British Red Cross group sessions and casework, Refugee Council therapeutic support and UpRising group sessions take place in British Red Cross office at the following address: 232 Dunstable Road, Luton, LU4 8JL.

For further information or to make a referral to one or more services provided by the project email:

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Swansea Asylum Seekers Support



SASS aims to develop a community of asylum seekers, refugees and locals in Swansea and the surrounding area which will:

-> Promote equality and diversity by providing activities to foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds.
-> Preserve and protect the mental and physical health of asylum seekers and refugees and their dependants through developing community and combating isolation.
-> Provide facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life of those persons who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances.
-> Provide education and training to asylum seekers, refugees and their dependants to advance them in life and help them to adapt within a new community.
-> Advance the education of the public in general about issues relating to asylum seekers and refugees.
-> Relieve poverty amongst asylum seekers and refugees and their dependants

SASS Community Drop-ins

Friday 4pm – 7pm
St James Parish Hall
Walters road. Swansea. SA1 4QA
(ESOL 4pm-5pm)
Google Maps:
Saturday 12pm – 3pm
York Place Baptist Church
1 York St, Swansea SA1 3LZ
(ESOL 12pm -1pm)
Google Maps:

Date Last Checked: 20/01/2025 Amend this listing
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Unit 63, Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road, Miles Platting, Manchester, M40 8BB


Support for children, young people and families, information, education, and advisory services.

– Child Protection Support work with children and families: assessments, one-to-one training, support, counselling, mediation, rehabilitation and sign-posting.
– Forums for Survivors of Child Abuse and Exploitation and forums for parents
– Assessment and Therapeutic support for victims of Abuse and Exploitation
– Assessment, Support, Policy and Advocacy on Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery
– Assessment, Emotional Wellbeing Support, Policy and Advocacy on Female Genital Mutilation
– Assessment, Policy and Advocacy on Witchcraft Branding.

Opening hours and Emergency contacts – 9:00am to 18:00pm (Monday to Friday). 0161 205 92 74 / 0786 4650808 (Emergency Contact)

AFRUCA accept referrals from statutory agencies such as Children’s Services departments and the police and also accept referrals from individuals.

Please contact Samantha-Angela Thompson (Senior Social Worker) on 0207 704 2261/07864650814 (Emergency Contact) or email to discuss a family referral. Please contact the Anti-Trafficking team on 0207 704 2261/07864650819 (Emergency Contact) or email for further information on anti-trafficking services or to discuss a referral. Referral forms are available online.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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The AIRE Centre (Advice on Individual Rights in Europe)

School of Advanced Study University of London Charles Clore House 17 Russell Square WC1B 5DR


The AIRE Centre is an English registered charity, with offices located in London. It provides free legal advice on human rights and EU law issues in Europe, and seeks to promote the dissemination of information about international human rights law throughout Europe.

To get advice either email or call 020 7831 4276 Monday to Friday, 10am and 6pm; note that they are unable to give out advice over the telephone, but will reply email.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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St Luke’s Hall (Behind the Church), Broad Street, Swindon, SN1 2DS


The Harbour Project offer English classes and cultural activities for refugees and asylum seekers.
Also a drop-in for help and advice. 11am-2pm Monday to Friday.
They also do a lunch club once a week with free, delicious food cooked by visitors each week.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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18 Waterloo Road, PO Box 105, Wolverhampton, WV1 4BL


The Haven Refuge Wolverhampton supports women and dependent children who are vulnerable to domestic violence, homelessness and abuse by working with other agencies.

See website for full details.

The Haven Wolverhampton 24 Hour Helpline is available on 08000 194 400 for confidential advice.

Online chat 0900 – 1700 Monday – Friday @

Date Last Checked: 12/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Highfields Centre
96 Melbourne Road


Provides support, advice and information to newly arrived individuals to aid their integration into the City of Leicester.

Please check website for coronavirus updates:

Please use the telephone numbers below between 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm, Monday to Thursday only in an ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY.


Immigration emergency: WhatsApp Messages ONLY 07391 817 007

EU resettlement appointments: 07535 693 795

All other emergencies: 07494 730 489

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Castle Green, 7 Castle Street, Sheffield, S3 8LT


The Snowdrop Project supports and empowers survivors of exploitation and modern slavery to recover from their pasts and rebuild their futures. They offer:
– Casework (including a specialist service for 16-25 year olds)
– Counselling
– Community activities


Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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The Watford and Three Rivers Refugee Partnership (WTRRP)

St John’s Church, Estcourt Rd, Watford, WD17 2PS


Offers practical and emotional support in West Hertfordshire to asylum-seekers, refugees and those with no recourse to public funds (NRPF). Their mission is to help provide access to the advice and services needed, often providing long-term support until statutory services are in place.

On Tuesdays and Fridays between 11:00am and 1:00pm the project runs a drop-in centre.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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20 Westfield Avenue Edinburgh EH11 2TT Scotland


Various activities for asylum seekers and failed asylum seekers (English classes, social and cultural activities). Open for enquires 9am – 5:30pm Mondays to Thursdays, 9am – 5pm on Fridays.

Check website for services being offered during the coronavirus crisis. Includes: online English classes; online employment guidance; online group befriending; online digital skills in Arabic and more.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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18 Raleigh Cl, Hendon, London NW4 2TA

They open their doors for 2 hours in the afternoon once a month.
Mentoring: professional members of United Synagogue including lawyers, doctors, dentists and counsellors. These people give professional advice to help them with some of the issues they face daily.
Befriending: members of our community spend time having food and coffees and teas with the guests, talking and befriending the asylum seekers. They are very new to the UK and enjoy meeting new people. They sometimes want to share their stories and experiences of coming here. Volunteers are able to help them with mundane day to day issues/chores.
Food: volunteers cook hot vegetarian food on the premises and serve it to the guests. This gives a space for the volunteers and asylum seekers to eat together, socialise and befriend.
Coffee, teas, biscuits and cakes: this gives another area to relax and socialise
Kids area: our youth groups will be running activities for the youth, and a crèche service for the younger children. Activities include arts & crafts activities, playing with a range of toy and organised group games.
Donations: there are ongoing collections by our shuls of clothes, shoes, toys and toiletries. They are sorted and put out by size, so that the asylum seekers are able to easily find suitable items for themselves and their children.
Food vouchers: The asylum seekers also receive vouchers from Tescos. This is funded by money raised by our communities, government grants, funds from foundations and some angel investors.
Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Woodford Forest United Synagogue, 20 Churchfields, London, E18 2QZ


They open their doors for 2 hours in the afternoon once a month [first Sunday of every month at Woodford Forest].

  • Mentoring: professional members of United Synagogue including lawyers, doctors, dentists and counsellors. These people give professional advice to help them with some of the issues they face daily.
  • Befriending: members of our community spend time having food and coffees and teas with the guests, talking and befriending the asylum seekers. They are very new to the UK and enjoy meeting new people. They sometimes want to share their stories and experiences of coming here. Volunteers are able to help them with mundane day to day issues/chores.
  • Food: volunteers cook hot vegetarian food on the premises and serve it to the guests. This gives a space for the volunteers and asylum seekers to eat together, socialise and befriend.
  • Coffee, teas, biscuits and cakes: this gives another area to relax and socialise
  • Kids area: our youth groups will be running activities for the youth, and a crèche service for the younger children. Activities include arts & crafts activities, playing with a range of toy and organised group games.
  • Donations: there are ongoing collection by our shuls of clothes, shoes, toys and toiletries. They are sorted and put out by size, so that the asylum seekers are able to easily find suitable items for themselves and their children.
  • Food vouchers: The asylum seekers also receive vouchers from Tescos. This is funded by money raised by our communities, government grants, funds from foundations and some angel investors.
Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Overdale House, 96 Whitaker Road, Derby, DE23 6AP


Upbeat Communities provides support to refugees and asylum seekers at different stages of their journeys.
Monday – Thursday (10am – 4pm).

Date Last Checked: 05/02/2020 Amend this listing
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Overdale House, 96 Whitaker Road, Derby, DE23 6AP


Upbeat Communities provides support to refugees and asylum seekers at different stages of their journeys.

Provides welcome boxes, English classes, Community Integration Activities, employment advice, accommodation provision for destitute migrants and more

Check website for coronavirus updates – running English classes, women’s coffee morning and Firms Foundation over Zoom.

Office is usually open Monday – Friday (9am – 5pm)

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Afghanistan and Central Asian Association – Deptford

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, Ground Floor, 24 Deptford Broadway, London, SE8 4PA


Afghanistan and Central Asian Association provides support, skills and knowledge to help these communities live and prosper in the UK. The Deptford drop-in centre is open Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 5pm, and Saturday, 11am – 4pm, for free and professional advice on housing, benefits and entitlements, health, education, employment and more.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Afghanistan and Central Asian Association – Hounslow

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, 169 Staines Road, TW3 3LL


Afghanistan and Central Asian Association provides support, skills and knowledge to help these communities live and prosper in the UK. The Hounslow drop-in centre is open Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 5pm, and Saturday, 11am – 4pm, for free and professional advice on housing, benefits and entitlements, health, education, employment and more.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA


Hibiscus Initiatives is a voluntary sector organisation that works with Black and Minority Ethnic Foreign National and migrant offenders. They provide welfare, advice, advocacy, befriending, reintegration assistance, community resettlement and awareness raising. Call or email to self-refer or make a referral.

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Migrant Legal Project Cardiff

20 Churchill Way, Cardiff, CF10 2DY


Publicly-funded and not-for-profit legal advice and representation, including first instance asylum assistance/representation.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Panel, Revive, 187 Grey Mare Lane, Beswick, Manchester, M11 3ND

Advice and support for separated children and young people seeking asylum.
The Refugee Council’s Children’s Panel has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. The Panel is made up of Children’s Advisers who work directly with separated children seeking asylum and offer advice and information to other professionals working with these children.
Thea Slotover, a Refugee Council’s Children’s Adviser, is now based at Revive. In addition to the Greater Manchester Area, she covers Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire and Merseyside.  
If you are a separated child seeking asylum, or a professional working with separated young people seeking asylum, and would like advice and support, get in touch to arrange an appointment.
Contact Thea (Wednesday-Thursday-Friday only) : 07946 361 344
Contact the Children’s Section’s Advice Line(9-5.30pm, weekdays): 020 7346 1134
Date Last Checked: 08/01/2018 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section, After18, Highfields Community Centre, 96 Melbourne Road, leicester, LE2 0DS


Alternate Tuesdays, 11:30am – 4pm, call for details.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 14/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, The Exchange Brewery, 2 Bridge Street, Sheffield, S3 8NS


Alternate Wednesdays, 10:30 – 4pm, call for details.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, Centre 88 Saner Street, Hull, HU3 2TR


Alternate Wednesdays, 12pm – 5pm, call for details.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 14/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, Russell House, Rickyard Road, Northampton, NN3 3QZ


Alternate Thursdays, call for details.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, 38 St Matthew's St, Ipswich, IP1 3EP


Alternate Thursdays, 11am-3pm. Call for details.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children’s Section Advice Service – Croydon

Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, 13-14 Katharine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX


Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5pm.

Advisers on the Children’s Panel Advice Service work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 14/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, Stratford Advice Arcade, 107-109 The Grove, Stratford, London, E15 1HP


Every Wednesday, 10am-5pm.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, Crescent House, 1st Floor, 46 Priestgate, PE1 1LF


Alternate Thursdays, call for details.

The Children’s Panel Advice Service has operated since 1994 and is the only national service of its kind. Advisers work directly with separated children seeking asylum, helping them through the asylum system and ensuring that they are protected. The team also offers advice and information to carers and other professionals working with children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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South London Refugee Association Wandsworth Drop-in

St. Mary's Church, Balham High Road, Balham, SW12 9BS


Drop in for adults and families at St. Mary’s Church in Balham on Mondays 10am-2pm (term time only).

South London Refugee Association can help with bills and debt, employment support, benefits, housing problems, immigration and health. They also provide advice and advocacy, English lessons, a hot lunch, volunteering and social activities.

South London Refugee Association run other drop-in services in Lambeth – see for further details.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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639 Enterprise Centre, High Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8AA


Open door offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12-24 living in Haringey. Support provided for a range of issues including problems at home, school, college or work; difficulties with relationships; problems with drugs or alcohol; anger or aggression; depression or anxiety; self-harm or eating difficulties. Self-referrals accepted.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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172 Croydon Road, Beddington, CR0 4PG


Jump Start is a free, confidential service offering counselling to young people aged 11-25 in the borough of Sutton. Mostly referrals are made by professionals such as teachers, doctors and social workers but young people can self-refer using the contact details above.

Date Last Checked: 21/04/2017 Amend this listing
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12 Middle Lane, Crouch End, N8 8PL


Open door offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12-24 living in Haringey. Support provided for a range of issues including problems at home, school, college or work; difficulties with relationships; problems with drugs or alcohol; anger or aggression; depression or anxiety; self-harm or eating difficulties. Self-referrals accepted.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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26 Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town, London, NW5 3LG


The Brandon centre offers help, advice and counselling for young people aged 12 to 24 years, covering abuse, anger management, bullying, crime, depression/anxiety, drugs and alcohol, eating disorders, family and relationships, identity and sexuality, mental illness, suicide/self harm and sexual health/pregnancy. See the website for full details of services offered and locations.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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172 Croydon Road, Beddington CR0 4PG


Open every Tuesday, 3.30pm-6pm, the Open Space Drop-In offers young people age 14+ somewhere safe to talk. There will always be a trained adult available who can listen, and a programme of services available every week including sexual health and contraception services, health advice, school pastors, young carers support, careers, apprenticeship advice and regular workshops. Free tea and coffee and access to computers.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Anti-trafficking and Labour Expoitation Unit (ATLEU)

ATLEU, St Saviour's House, 39-41 Union Street, London SE1 1SD


ATLEU (Anti Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit) provides legal representation to victims of trafficking and labour exploitation in the fields of housing, compensation, employment, public law and immigration.

ATLEU represents adults, young people and children. They have offices in London and Sheffield.

Free advice for professionals supporting victims of trafficking can also be obtained via a weekly advice line. See website for details of the support ATLEU can offer.

Date Last Checked: 13/01/2025 Amend this listing
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LORAG Community Recreation Centre

Shaftesbury Community and Recreation Centre, Balfour Avenue, Belfast, BT7 2EW


LORAG (Lower Ormeau Resident’s Action Group) is a community organisation established to support the residents of Lower Ormeau. The organisation supports a range of projects, among them a children’s project offering parenting support for local parents and educational and social support for children, as well as a youth project that hosts a drop-in centre/youth club and field trips. See website for details of current events and drop-in times.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Hydepark House, 3 McKinney Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 4PE


Extern is a charity that helps people improve their lives and makes communities safer. Among other projects, they support children, young people and their families by carrying out early interventions, prevention work and multi-systemic therapy for those who are at risk of entering care, secure care and/or custody. They also provide accommodation, a range of indoor and outdoor activities and activity breaks for children, young people and their carers.

Extern also works to alleviate homelessness in NI, providing temporary accommodation and supporting a homelessness outreach team, including additional practical support for asylum seekers and refugees who are affected by homelessness. See website for more services and details.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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102 Harper Road, London, SE1 6AQ


Faces in focus is a young people’s counselling service for 11-25 year olds who mainly live, study or work in Southwark and Lambeth. Young people can gain support with issues such as education, training and employment, housing, welfare benefits, money management, domestic and sexual abuse, family issues, stress and anger.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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19 Golborne Road, London, North Kensington, W10 5NY


Making Communities Work and Grow is a registered charity and user-led community organisation primarily focusing on engaging with impoverished and disengaged young through a range of health, social, educational and recreational projects. The charity was originally created in response to a lack of services for Arabic speakers in North Kensington, but has since opened up its doors to young people from all linguistic backgrounds. Referrals can be made through the website.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Coxson Place, Druid Street, London, SE1 2EZ


DFYC supports socially excluded children and young people from Bermondsey and its neighbouring areas, helping them to fulfil their potential through a structured programme of sport, educational, artistic and recreational activities. See website for details of activities offered, including amateur boxing, swimming and outdoor activities.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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16 Wellfield Road, London, SW16 2BP


The Well Centre is a youth health centre where you can see a youth worker, counsellor or doctor to discuss any health concerns or worries in a safe and confidential space. Normal opening hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 3.30pm-6.30pm (closed public holidays). Please contact for an appointment, as there is very limited space for drop-ins. The drop in sessions on Monday and every other Thursday have a female doctor.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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The Children's Society, 21-23 Broadway, London, E15 4BQ


Holistic casework support and advocacy helping separated refugee and migrant children and young people (16-21) to access their rights and entitlements and develop independence. The By Your Side project also offers a fortnightly youth group in central London and a befriending service matching young people with volunteer befrienders for days out and activities.

Date Last Checked: 13/06/2019 Amend this listing
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234 Bethnal Green Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0AA


Free and confidential services for all young people aged 11-25 living in and around Tower Hamlets, East London. Counselling, CBT, Personal development and an LGBTQ group. See website for more details and opening times.

Date Last Checked: 06/02/2025 Amend this listing
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Units 1-3, 68-82 Digby Road, London E9 6HX


Off Centre is a counselling, therapy, advocacy, advice and psychosocial service for young people aged between 11 and 25 who live, work or study in Hackney. They offer support with a range of issues, including sexuality, bereavement, violence, depression, self-harm, accommodation, college, stress, abuse, family breakdown, anger and neglect. See website for additional services including LGBTQ support group, art therapy and drama therapy.
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am-6pm, Wednesday 2pm-6pm and Saturday 12pm-2pm.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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167 Whitecross Street, London, EC1Y 8JT


Open Thursdays 2pm-8pm and Fridays 9am-3.30pm. The drum is an information, advice and counselling service operated by the Brandon Centre which supports young people on issues including abuse, bullying, depression/anxiety, eating disorders, family and relationships, identity/sexuality, mental illness and suicide/self harm.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Ashburton Youth Centre, Westleigh Avenue, Putney, SW15 6XD


Youth Legal is a specialist legal advice service for young people in the borough of Wandsworth that gives free independent advice to promote access to housing and social services support. Youth Legal works with young people from every community, care leavers, young carers, disabled young people, asylum seekers and migrant children and their famlies. Call to arrange an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Finchley, London, N3 9AD


Grooops is a 1-1 counselling and coaching service supporting young people to cope with the emotional repercussions of dyslexia. Appointments take place either over skype or face-to-face in North London. See website for details of therapeutic practice. Post to PO Box 53287, Finchley, N3 9AD

Date Last Checked: 12/11/2018 Amend this listing
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113 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP


Homeplus NI run a drop-in centre for asylum seekers, refugees and destitute migrants that is open from Monday to Friday. The centre offers food, clothing, advice, shower and washing facilities, three levels of weekly English classes (one women only class), art classes, women only art projects, a weekly optician clinic, a computer room, emergency financial and accommodation support for destitute asylum seekers and migrants, referrals, integration support, and more (see website for details).

Date Last Checked: 05/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Endeavour Centre, Sherborne House, 34 Decima Street, London, SE1 4QQ


Alone in London supports young people aged from 16 to 25 who are at risk of homelessness by developing young people’s skills and providing the resources needed to secure sustainable and safe housing. Phone line open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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33 Grosvenor Road, Wrexham, LL11 1BT


Bawso is a Welsh Government Accredited Support Provider providing support to BME individuals and particularly those who are at risk of being made homeless or those vulnerable to abuse such as FGM, trafficking, domestic violence or forced marriage. Services include information and guidance, safe house provision, advice on welfare rights, floating support, outreach and resettlement support, befriending scheme for women and interpretation and translation.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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63 Mansel Street, Swansea, SA1 5TN


Bawso is a Welsh Government Accredited Support Provider providing support to BME individuals and particularly those who are at risk of being made homeless or those vulnerable to abuse such as FGM, trafficking, domestic violence or forced marriage. Services include information and guidance, safe house provision, advice on welfare rights, floating support, outreach and resettlement support, befriending scheme for women and interpretation and translation.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Ploughland House, 62 George Street, Wakefield, WF1 1DL


WYATN provides a strategic meeting framework on behalf of the statutory, non-statutory and third sector organisations in West Yorkshire who contribute to tackling human trafficking and modern slavery in all its forms.

This organisation does not directly support victims of trafficking but could provide useful signposting advice for those supporting them.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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21 Avenue Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3BL


Not-for-profit working to highlight and challenge all forms of gender-related violence against women. Advice surgeries around immigration (2nd Wednesday of the month, 2-5pm, appointment only), family law (fortnightly Fridays) and housing (fortnightly Tuesdays, from 12pm) and domestic violence outreach services in Hillingdon and Hounslow. See website for full details of services offered.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Free Word Centre, 60 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3GA


English PEN is the founding centre of a worldwide writers’ association aimed at defending writers and readers across the UK and attempting to remove barriers to literature. International campaigns to promote freedom of expression and workshop events for young people, refugees, asylum seekers and prisoners.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Cameo House, Chamber Court, Worcester, WR1 3ZQ


Sanctuary provides supported living for children, young people, people with disabilities or mental health needs and those who face homelessness. Children and young people aged 0-19 who are living in hostel, emergency or women’s refuge accommodation, or who have run away or are missing from home are able to access this service. They provide them with someone to talk to and opportunities to play as well as improving access to education and signposting mainstream and therapeutic services.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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The Station, Silver Street, Bristol, BS1 2AG


‘Welcome Wednesdays’ at The Station exists to offer social support and creative activities for young refugees and asylum-seekers in Bristol. Open to young people aged 13-19 years old on Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm. Drop-ins welcome. This service runs until February 2018.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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32 O'Donnell Court, Brunswick Square, London, WC1N 1NX


Pan Intercultural Arts uses the arts to inspire social change, by sparking the power of imagination and creativity in those whose circumstances have led to it being diminished. Annually, Pan Intercultural Arts run around 10 different weekly workshop projects using playful games and exercises which allow participants to develop themes and ideas of their own in a safe space where they can flourish.

Pan Intercultural Arts work with:
– young refugees
– unaccompanied minor asylum seekers
– survivors of trafficking
– young people at risk of entering crime

Pan Intercultural Arts use drama, song, storytelling, puppetry, video-making, creative writing and more to provide fun pathways to confident self and group expression.

Date Last Checked: 20/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Learn for Life Enterprise, 241-243 London Road, Sheffield, S2 4NF


Learn for life enterprise is a community hub providing ESOL, training, support, stability and advice in a safe, friendly and welcoming environment. Their wide range of courses (see website for full list) are open to all, but daily ESOL classes are free for asylum seekers. Contact to arrange a place.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Mildmay Community Centre, Woodville Road, Newington Green, N16 8NA


Room to heal is a therapeutic support group for refugees and asylum seekers who have survived torture and other forms of organised violence. Individual and group therapy, gardening projects, casework, theatre and storytelling, cooking, social gatherings and rural retreats. No drop-ins – call or email to arrange an appointment. The office is open 09:30am – 6pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Unit 3, CIDO Business Complex, Charles Street, Lurgan BT66 6HG


Organization that aims to tackle racism and eliminate barriers against new and settled migrant communities in Northern Ireland. Provides advice and advocacy, bilingual support workers, financial health and wellbeing advice, and support for victims of racist hate crime. All services free of charge and confidential. Call or email for an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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The Old Church, Clarendon Street, Derry, BT48 7ES (UNISON Offices)


Organization that aims to tackle racism and eliminate barriers against new and settled migrant communities in Northern Ireland. Provides advice and advocacy, bilingual support workers, financial health and wellbeing advice, and support for victims of racist hate crime. All services free of charge and confidential.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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The Unity Centre, 22 Ibrox Street, Glasgow, G51 1AD


The unity centre gives practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland, as well as those who have been detained in any UK detention centre. Sharing information about the asylum process, campaigning against home office detentions and deportations and fighting destitution and social isolation.

Office hours: Monday–Friday 9am–5pm.

Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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Room 27, Adelphi Centre, 12 Commercial Road, Glasgow, G5 0PQ


Counselling services, medico-legal report writing service, support, collaboration with NHS trusts. Freedom from Torture Scotland also has children, young people and families teams with psychotherapists experienced in working with asylum seekers affected by torture aged 12-25 and Family therapists.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid, Flat 0/1, 24 Willowbank Street, Glasgow, G3 6LZ


Asian, Black and Minority Ethnic Women’s Aid Group providing safe refuge accommodation, information and support. Also supporting children and young people who are subject to or witness to domestic violence. Drop ins welcome, no one turned away.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Room 18, 238-246 King Street, London, W6 ORF


The East European Advice Centre (EEAC) aims to help socially and economically disadvantaged people of East European origin in their efforts to settle in the UK. EEAC does this by providing free and impartial information and advice and by promoting and enhancing their social welfare. The main office is open from Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm. See ‘contact’ page of website for full details and options for contacting their different services and drop-ins, including help for people in poverty and at risk of homelessness, employment rights advice, immigration advice and form filling and family law advice.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group Wales

3 North Church Street, Butetown, Cardiff, CF10 5HB


WSSAG is an advocacy and research group that connects women from all backgrounds in support of refugee women and their families. Through campaigns, signposting, advocacy, support and promotion of positive opportunities WSSAG aims to empower women asylum seekers to take control of their lives. They run a women-only drop-in in Cardiff on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month from 1pm-3pm.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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52-54 Featherstone Street, London, EC1Y 8RT


Rights of women’s immigration and asylum advice line (active Monday and Thursday, 10am-4pm) can give advice on claiming asylum, the rights of Europeans and their families in the UK, trafficking, immigration law including domestic violence, long residence and family life, and financial support options including for women with no recourse to public funds.

Rights of Women also offer legal help for women over the phone in the following areas: family law (020 7251 6577), criminal law: 020 7251 8887, women in London: (020 7608 1137).

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Toynbee Hall, The Community Centre, 52 Old Castle Street, London, E1 7AJ


Toynbee Hall offers a range of services to support people and communities to break down the barriers that trap them in poverty. The immigration law advice sessions run every other week on Mondays and every other week on Saturdays (women-only session). Advice is available by appointment only following an initial assessment; drop in to the advice centre Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm (closed 1pm-2pm for lunch) for an initial assessment interview.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG)

7-14 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4YR


The UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG) supports LGBTQI+ people through the asylum and immigration process. Their vision is a world where there is equality, dignity, respect and safety for all people in the expression of their sexual or gender identity.

UKLGIG provide psychosocial and emotional support for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers to help improve their mental health and reduce isolation. Tehy also provide legal information and advice. In addition, they advocate for improved policies and decision-making by governments in LGBTQI+ asylum claims.
UKLGIG also continue providing support and information to LGBTQI+ people seeking to live in the UK with their partners via their website, an online forum and a monthly meeting.
Please check UKLGIG’s website for more information.
Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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151 Balmoral Street, Glasgow, G14 0HB


The Scottish Afghan society aims to support the Afghan community in Scotland and provide opportunities to learn about Scottish culture. They organise social events and educational opportunities for Afghan youth, offer legal advice on immigration, asylum, education and benefit issues, give healthcare advice in Afghan languages and run various workshops, classes and visits. See website for full details.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland, Botanic House, 1-5 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, BT7 1JG


A non-governmental organisation that provides social, educational, employment and humanitarian support to individuals in Northern Ireland from the Horn of Africa: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. They run a destitution project, provide a range of support to refugees from the Horn of Africa including educational support, and work to raise awareness of the needs of refugees from the Horn of Africa.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Haven, Marvell House Children's Centre, Cranbourne Street, Hull, HU3 1PP


A holistic service for young asylum seekers and refugees and their families in Kingston-Upon-Hull. Providing advocacy and complex interventions as well as mental health assessments, parenting skills classes and informal support.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Clarence House, Clarence Road, Cardiff, CF10 5FB


Bawso is a Welsh Government Accredited Support Provider, providing refuges and safe houses to BME individuals and particularly those who are at risk of being made homeless or those vulnerable to abuse such as FGM, trafficking, domestic violence or forced marriage.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Cameron House, Commercial Street, Ystrad Mynach, CF83 4GY


Bawso is a Welsh Government Accredited Support Provider providing support to BME individuals and particularly those who are at risk of being made homeless or those vulnerable to abuse such as FGM, trafficking, domestic violence or forced marriage. Services include information and guidance, safe house provision, advice on welfare rights, floating support, outreach and resettlement support, befriending scheme for women and interpretation and translation.

Date Last Checked: 21/04/2017 Amend this listing
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Teulu MAC, 47-48 Pontmorlais West, Merthyr, CF47 8UN


Bawso is a Welsh Government Accredited Support Provider providing support to BME individuals and particularly those who are at risk of being made homeless or those vulnerable to abuse such as FGM, trafficking, domestic violence or forced marriage. Services include information and guidance, safe house provision, advice on welfare rights, floating support, outreach and resettlement support, befriending scheme for women and interpretation and translation.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Old Station Building, Queensway, Newport, NP20 4AX


Bawso is a Welsh Government Accredited Support Provider providing support to BME individuals and particularly those who are at risk of being made homeless or those vulnerable to abuse such as FGM, trafficking, domestic violence or forced marriage. Services include information and guidance, safe house provision, advice on welfare rights, floating support, outreach and resettlement support, befriending scheme for women and interpretation and translation.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Central Health Clinic, 1 Mulberry Street, Sheffield, S1 2PJ


The Mulberry practice provides health care services for people living in Sheffield who are seeking asylum in the UK, homeless or living in temporary or unstable accommodation. New clients will be asked to register with the practice and undergo a New Patient Check.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Northern Refugee Centre, The Exchange Brewery, 2 Bridge Street, Sheffield


A locally led and run, non-political and non-denominational group of volunteers aiming to promote greater equality of access to legal resources, share and communicate knowledge of the experience of seeking refuge in the UK and provide education about the asylum process.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Fir Vale Centre, Earl Marshal Road, Sheffield, S4 8LB


Community organisation offering services for the Yemeni community and wider BME population in Sheffield. Healthy living support, education for adults and young people, advice, Arabic school and support for the elderly.

Date Last Checked: 12/07/2017 Amend this listing
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95 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS8 5AQ


Young people and family service aimed at 16-25 year olds including ESOL classes (Wednesday 1-3pm), drop in practical advice and technical support, a counselling service, education, employment and benefits advice, advocacy, sexual health services and a range of social activities (see website for full range). The Gipsil Leaving Care Team support young people aged 16-25 leaving care in Leeds.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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3rd Floor, Hastings House, Fitzalan Place, Cardiff, CF24 0BL


Registered charity that helps displaced people integrate and alleviates hardship and distress. Advice and guidance on employment issues, provision of recreational opportunities, supporting community groups and educating the public.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Barnardo’s Wales Regional Office

Barnardo's Wales, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff, CF24 5TD


Campaigning and direct support for children, young people and families living on the margins of society who are struggling to overcome the disadvantages caused by poverty, abuse and discrimination.

Visit the website for contact

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Chelmsley Wood Baptist Church Centre, Hedinham Grove, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham, B37 7TP


Small charity supporting asylum seekers, refugees, migrant workers and their dependents in the UK to facilitate their integration into society. Employment support, homework help for young people, befriending project and more.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Bosnia House, 36 Medley Road, Greet, Birmingham, B11 2NE


The Bosnia and Herzegovina UK Network was set up to provide practical and psychological support to Bosnian and other ethnic minority communities. Supporting language learning, providing social support and organising regular community activities.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (NICRAS)

143a University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP


A refugee-led organisation offering drop-in advice, signposting, destitution support, accommodation and employment support, help accessing education, special events and homework tuition for young people. See facebook page for up-to-date services and activities.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Bryson House, 28 Bedford Street, Belfast


A social enterprise providing a reception service for new arrivals and those supported by the National Asylum Support Service (NASS). Advice covering NASS support, the asylum application process, liaison with the home office, referral to external support agencies and supporting access to community groups.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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20 William Street, Ballymena, BT43 6AW


Free advocacy services for cases of racial discrimination and harassment. Advice for community and personal safety, road safety, support dealing with the home office and other official bodies, language support etc. Some interpretation support from bi-lingual advisors.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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2 Trench Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey, County Antrim BT36 4TY


Extern Works supports homeless individuals, refugees and other disadvantaged people such as ex-offenders and individuals with mental health issues or learning difficulties throughout Northern Ireland. Providing counselling, homeless support service and vocational training to promote employability (service is mainly aimed at men, while some employability support such as CV workshops and interview advice is available for women).

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Equality Commission for Northern Ireland

Equality House, 7-9 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast, BT2 7DP


Non-departmental public body established to provide protection against discrimination on the grounds of disability, race, religion and political opinion, sex and sexual orientation.

Date Last Checked: 05/01/2017 Amend this listing
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Participation and the Practice of Rights: housing4all project

Ground Floor, Community House, Citylink business park, 6A Albert Street, Belfast, BT12 4HQ


Housing4all are a group of asylum seekers who are trying to ensure that the human right to housing is realised for destitute asylum seekers in Northern Ireland. The participation and practice of rights group supports campaign groups such as this to realise their aims.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Ballynafeigh Community Development Association, Ormeau Road, Belfast


Organization that aims to tackle racism and eliminate barriers against new and settled migrant communities in Northern Ireland. Provides advice and advocacy, bilingual support workers, financial health and wellbeing advice, and support for victims of racist hate crime. All services free of charge and confidential. Visits to Belfast office by appointment only (no drop in).

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Thorn House, Hayweight House, 23 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DQ,


KWISA was established for the development and empowerment of Kenyan women and their families in so that they achieve their full potential in the community and society in Scotland, Kenya and the rest of Africa. Active in health promotion, campaigning around FGM, domestic violence support, parenting, care for the elderly, debt management, and more. See Facebook page for details and updates.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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26 Pottergate, Norwich, NR2 1DX


Norwich International Youth Project (NIYP) provides support to young people (11-25) who are seeking asylum, have refugee status or are otherwise displaced from their country of origin.

Their main activities are:
-A weekly drop-in youth group session with food and a wide range of activities
-A weekly English class, catering for a wide range of abilities
-Individual support and signposting
-Residential trips

Date Last Checked: 14/03/2024 Amend this listing
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82 Union Street, Glasgow, G1 3QS


The primary mission of C.C.U. S. is to facilitate the integration of people of Congolese descent in the fabric of Scottish society while providing them with a platform for learning about and appreciating the richness of Congolese culture and its diversity. See Facebook page for details of upcoming events.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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6th floor, Portland House, 17 Renfield Street, Glasgow, G2 5AH


Independent charity, campaign group and service provider working across a range of issues and fields affecting refugees and asylum seekers. Drop-ins, advice, awareness raising and community organizing. See website for full range of services offered.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Totnes, Devon


Integr8 is a personal development and integration programme for refugees and asylum seekers who want to start a purposeful life and work experience in the UK. Operational Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am-5pm. Offer 6-week personal development, employability and integration programme, ‘cross-cultural training’ and community events. See website or contact for addresses of activities.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Harwell Centre, 28-42 Harwell Court, Western Approach, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 1PY


Operational Monday to Thursday, 9am-5pm. Community organization combatting hate crime, racism, harassment and discrimination through community education and support for victims. Advocacy, training resources, women’s group, BME mental health project, support for gypsies and travellers and more.

Individual staff members can be contacted on: Julie Paget, Manager Vanessa Crosse, Community Development/Caseworker Lavinia Porfir, Community Engagement/Caseworker Hilary Warren, Benefit Advice Worker Rachael Morris, Finance Officer,

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Studio 11/12, Container City Building, 48 Trinity Buouy Wharf, London, E14 0FN


Advice line open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2-4pm. Reducing destitution among asylum seekers by protecting their legal right to food and shelter. Offering free, high quality legal representation and advice, training frontline organisations working with asylum seekers and lobbying to improve policies and procedures in asylum support.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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35 Harding Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 3BQ


Open Mondays and Wednesdays, 10.30am-12.30pm – see website for exact locations. Exists to welcome, support and walk alongside people who are isolated due to leaving their country of birth. English language and literacy skills, nutritional support, emotional support, free toiletries, skills and creativity, hosting scheme for destitute failed asylum seekers.


Helpline – 07933714075

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Unity Business Centre, 26 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 1AB


Offering a variety of independent advocacy services including culturally-sensitive bilingual advocacy. Also providing support to all black and minority ethnic (BME communities and supporting access to health, social care, benefits and housing services, debt support and financial inclusion through drop-in sessions and community surgeries. Open Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.00pm.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Clifton Children's Centre, Kingsway North, Clifton, York, YO30 6JA


Accessible weekly support sessions every Sunday during term time at the Hub, 1pm-4pm with free English language classes, structured activities such as football and drama for young people, key stage 1 maths classes, free Turkish classes for Turkish young people, information and support services, social support, hardship support and a shared meal. Weekly youth group, outreach and campaigning. See website for full details of services offered. Call in advance of arrival to ensure space is available.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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RETAS (Refugee Education and Training Advice Service) Leeds

233-237 Roundhay Road, The Roundhay Road Resource Centre, Leeds, LS8 4HS


RETAS offer specialist employment, integration and advocacy services to refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants which include:

• An initial ‘Welcome to Leeds’ orientation service
• A 28 Day Transition Project to enable asylum seekers who have very recently been granted refugee status to transition successfully from living as asylum seekers in HO accommodation, to living independently in alternative accommodation and integrating successfully into local communities
• ESOL classes
• IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
• 1 to 1 information, advice and guidance to support with accessing education and employment opportunities
• Employability workshops including: managing basic skills to university applications; volunteering and work placements.

RETAS is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.
To book an appointment call 0113 3805630 or email or attend the drop-in on Fridays 10am – 1pm.

Twitter: @Retasleeds

Date Last Checked: 08/10/2018 Amend this listing
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St. Francis of Assisi Community Centre, 13 Hippodrom Place, London, W11 4SF


Supporting migrant domestic workers. Immigration and employment advice for migrant domestic workers in the UK (OISC level 3, appointment only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays) , English Classes, anti-trafficking Work, campaign and policy work.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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St. Augustine's Centre, Hanson Lane, Halifax, HX1 5PG


Offering English conversation classes, sports activities, music clubs, benefits, housing, health and asylum advice and a women-only English class. Check website for timetable of events.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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WomenCentre Calderdale and Kirklees – Halifax

23 Silver Street, Halifax HX1 1JN


WomenCentre provides emotional and practical support on issues such as debt, benefits, mental or physical health, domestic violence, counselling, training and development and much more. Centre operates an open-door policy – call in for a chat. See website for calendar of activities and full contact details for different support teams.


Our WomenCentre numbers on divert are: Kirklees Office – 01484 450866 Calderdale Office – 01422 386500

Calderdale Staying Safe – 01422 323 339 (Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm) National 24hr Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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WomenCentre Calderdale and Kirklees – Huddersfield

15 Lord Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1QB


WomenCentre provides emotional and practical support on issues such as debt, benefits, mental or physical health, domestic violence, counselling, training and development and much more. Centre operates an open-door policy – call in for a chat. See website for calendar of activities and full contact details for different support teams.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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St. Martin's House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ


Thursday mornings, 10am-12.30pm. Immediate practical support for asylum seekers living in and near Leicester including food, clothes and toiletries. Some advocacy and personal support as well as referrals to other organisations.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2016 Amend this listing
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222 King Street, Hammersmith, London, W6 0RA


Advice (UK education advice for parents, citizenship, health, welfare, immigration) Monday 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm, Thursday 9.30-1pm. Life in the UK and professional skills tests Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (see website for times). Workshops on arts, health and general education for children and young people.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Peterborough Asylum and Refugee Community Association (PARCA)

Unity Hall, Northfield Road, Peterborough, PE1 3QH


Advice and advocacy on many issues, women’s group, youth club, ESOL classes and English conversation group, events and parties, and use of computers.
All services provided free of charge.

Date Last Checked: 31/08/2020 Amend this listing
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Norwich Social Centre, Catherine Wheel Opening, Norwich, NR3 3BQ


Community organisation supporting social inclusion for disadvantaged minority ethnicity individuals and communities in Norwich.

  • Youth Mentoring Programme
  • Twice-weekly Homework Club
  • Mixed Martial Arts
  • Music Club
  • IT support
  • Art Club
  • 6-day per week social and skill-building activities

New Routes was established in 2004 to address the isolation experienced by recently resettled ethnic minorities in Norwich. The project provides a welcoming environment with social and skill-building programmes 6 days per week. New Routes work with individuals, families, young people and children from around 50 different countries.

New Routes is the lead organisation of Norwich Integration Partnership, Norwich Civic Charity 2017-18. They work in close partnership with other local BME voluntary sector support agencies such as the British Red Cross, Asylum Health Team, The Bridge Plus+, English+, NIYP, and statutory service providers and youth organisations.

Date Last Checked: 17/01/2018 Amend this listing
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Sackville Business Place, 44-48 Magdalen Street, Norwich, NR3 1JU


Championing the rights of Black/Asian Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in Norfolk. Information and advice on benefits, housing and racism/equality; employment support; immigration advice (OISC registered); advocacy support; community engagement activities; signposting and referrals. See website for details of all services.

Date Last Checked: 01/07/2019 Amend this listing
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Booth Hall, St. Martin's House, Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ


After18 provides specialist support unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people in Leicester. Through their helpline and activities they provide information and practical help to adjust to life in the UK. A trusted source of information for young people, and advice service and one-to-one support, and activites for young people to socialise, gain new skills and have fun.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Women Seeking Asylum Together Manchester (WAST)

Central Methodist Buildings, Oldham Street Manchester M1 1JQ


WAST meet every Friday at 11am-3pm: a drop-in for women at any stage of the asylum process. Campaigning as well as a choir and practical support. There is a monthly immigration advice session accessible by referral.

Date Last Checked: 26/01/2023 Amend this listing
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Southwark day centre for asylum seekers at Peckham Park Road Baptist Church

121 Peckham Park Road, SE15 6SX


Day centre drop-in Wednesdays 11am-2.45. Lunch served at 12pm, advice service (OISC level 1 registered) from 12.30pm. Other services include a cr’c3’a8che (12.30-2.30pm), English class (12.30-2.30pm) and gardening (11am-2.45)

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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South London Refugee Association Lambeth drop-in

The Woodlawns Centre, 16 Leigham Court Road, London, SW16 2PJ


South London Refugee Association can help with bills and debt, employment support, benefits, housing problems, immigration and health. They also provide advice and advocacy, English lessons, a hot lunch, volunteering and social activities.

Youth Advice Drop In (Young People 18-24)
The Woodlawns Centre
16 Leigham Court Road
SW16 2PJ
Tuesdays 2pm to 5pm

Lambeth Drop In ( Adults and Families)
The Woodlawns Centre
16 Leigham Court Road
SW16 2PJ
Thursdays 10am to 1pm (term time only)

‘Global Youth’ Youth Club
Knights Youth Centre
27 Streatham Place
Thursdays 3.30pm to 7.30pm (term time only)

South London Refugee Association also run drop-in sessions on Mondays in Balham – see for further details.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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West Croydon Baptist Church, Corner of Whitehorse Road and St. James Road, CR0 2JH


Drop-in session on Tuesdays, 10am-1pm. English lessons for women run by women on Wednesdays 9.30am-11.30am (term time only) and family education project for new asylum seekers with school-age children who are not in mainstream education, Wednesdays 10am-2pm. Tuesday drop-in offers a cooked meal, food parcels and clothing, information and help desk, advice on accessing English language classes as well as donations of toiletries and household goods. On-site shower facilities.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Woolwich Common Community Centre, Leslie Smith Square, SE18 4DW


Now part of Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network (LRMN)

The Greenwich Migrant Hub is a drop-in service offering free advice and practical support to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. They offer:

  • Housing advice
  • Support for survivors of domestic abuse
  • Food parcels
  • Immigration advice
  • A shared hot lunch.

There is a limited number of immigration and housing advice sessions at each drop-in and it is not guaranteed that visitors to the Hub will be able to see an adviser. It is first come, first served. However, there is no need to queue.

To access the Migrant Hub, visit on a Tuesday to register for support at 10:00am. Greenwich Migrant Hub will be available for questions and signposting until 3pm. For food support, visit from 1pm.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Bermondsey Bureau, 8 Market Place, Southwark Park Road, SE16 3UQ


Telephone advice; Monday, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9:30-4:30 Tues 9:30-7pm

Free legal advice and assistance for people living, working or studying in Southwark


Contact form on website

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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CARAS (community action for refugees and asylum seekers)

Tooting Works, 89 Bickersteth Rd, London SW17 9SH


CARAS offer a range of group activities that support people of all ages to develop their English skills, access services and opportunities, build supportive social networks and to feel welcomed:

  • Study programme for 14 -18 year old who are out of education
  • Study group + GCSE support group
  • Digital ESOL
  • Youth Club
  • Workshops
  • Trips/residentials
  • Sports
  • Employability
Date Last Checked: 14/03/2024 Amend this listing
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3-7 Arneway Street, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2BG


Free accredited (SQM and legal aid agency) advice on immigration and asylum matters, representation at appeal for those without access to legal assistance. Open 9.15am-1pm and 2pm-4.30 Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 9.15am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-7.00pm Wednesdays, 12.30pm-4.30pm Fridays.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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RAMFEL (Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London)

Cardinal Heenan Centre, 326 High Road, Ilford IG6 1QP


Advice and advocacy for BME individuals, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Legal advice on asylum and immigration matters, welfare benefits, housing, health, employment and gender-based violence. Drop-ins on Thursdays 10.30am – 1pm.


If you need support please use the enquiry forms on the website or call our advice line on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10:00 – 13:00 on 02070525212.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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PO Box 367 Sheffield S1 1HX


Call or email for correct drop-in address. Support services for women and girls who have been victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, forced marriage, honour-based violence, and other forms of violence. Telephone support during office hours (9am-5pm), drop-in support Tuesdays 2pm-4pm. Also offer varied programme of classes in English language, confidence and self-esteem, healthy relationships, parenting, creative arts and DIY.

Date Last Checked: 26/07/2017 Amend this listing
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ISCRE (Ipswich and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality)

46A St. Matthew's Street, Ipswich, IP1 3EP


Organization working to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality of opportunity. Open Monday to Thursday 10am-4pm. Operates Suffolk law Advice Centre and Tackling Discrimination in the East. Contact for details.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Horton Housing Association, Chartford House, 54 Little Horton Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 0BS


Horton Housing offers a range of services, some of which support refugees and asylum seekers as well as young people who are destitute or at risk of destitution. They offer a range of services at a number of different locations in Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees and North Yorkshire, including housing related support, health screening, ESOL and education assessments, individual needs assessments, cultural orientation, community engagement, welfare benefits advice and job search assistance. See website for full details of services and how to make a referral.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Enterprise House, 12 St Paul's Street, Leeds LS1 2LE


Local authority-led regional migration partnership. Strategic leadership and coordination, data, policy and research, expert support for local integration and integration support. As at December 2016 Migration Yorkshire’s key project surrounded Roma Integration. Check website for more information and details of support services.

Date Last Checked: 31/10/2018 Amend this listing
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Islington Council, 222 Upper Street, London, N1 1XR


Free web information, practice guidance and web tool (support for migrant families). Undertakes policy work and training programmes. Members can subscribe to news bulletin and use the national telephone and email advice service (see website to join network). The network can respond to enquiries from councils, the NHS and other organisations but are not able to respond to enquiries from members of the public.

Date Last Checked: 06/02/2025 Amend this listing
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Pott Street, London, E2 0EF


Immigration advice drop-in, monthly on 3rd Friday of the month, 10am-12.30pm (first come, first served; usually 20 clients per session).

Tower Hamlets drop-in advice and form filling session; weekly on Thursdays, 10am-12.30pm (TH residents only).

Advice about welfare benefits, housing and homelessness, asylum support, debt advice (fortnightly 11am-12.30pm, call to confirm) and form-filling.

Telephone advice service (020 7749 7608), Wednesdays 2pm-4.30pm, offering advice on welfare benefits, housing and homelessness, asylum support and immigration matters. Interpreting service also housed in same building – see website for up to date timetable.

Praxis also supports the brighter futures project, a self-advocacy group of young migrants who meet weekly in order to socialise, support each other, campaign for their rights and raise awareness about their experiences through research, media engagement and the arts.

Date Last Checked: 12/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Barking and Dagenham Somali Women’s Association

Barking and Dagenham Somali Women's Association, 13 London Road, Barking, Essex IG11 8AA


Small but ambitious charity dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of the whole community. Open 10am-5pm Monday-Friday, advice drop-ins on Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-2pm. Call to find details of other services. Information and advice, community cafe and drop in, women wellbeing project, FGM project, Learning and Skills, Work club, Social and other support groups.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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The Welcome Centre, 2-6 St. Marys Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1QX


Drop-in service for people experiencing homelessness. 10am-3pm Tuesdays, 9am-1.30pm Wednesdays, 10-3.00pm Thursdays, 9am-3pm Fridays. Appointments only on Mondays. ESOL classes, art sessions, exercise, food, woodwork classes, accommodation advice, bathroom/showers, benefit advice, clothing, food, housing advice, laundry.

Also see Facebook page for more recent updates.

Date Last Checked: 12/02/2020 Amend this listing
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LAWA – Latin American Women’s Aid

Latin American Women's Aid, Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London E8 3DL


Offices open Monday-Friday 9.30am-1pm and 2pm-5.30pm. Offering help to those fleeing domestic violence through support drop-ins and the only dedicated Latin American Women’s refuge in London. Immigration, family and career surgeries on offer, advance booking required. Check calendar on website for details and times.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Maison Pierre Chanel, 16 Leicester Square, London, WC2H 7LE


Drop-in Cafe for francophone migrants and refugees, Mondays and Thursdays 11-4pm. Warm welcome, a hot meal, free clothing and counselling.

Free basic literacy classes on Mondays from 11am-1pm, English for work/job search on Thursdays 11am-1pm.

Sewing class on Mondays 1.30-3.30, Art group on Mondays, 1-3pm, Theatre/drama class and one-to-one job search support on Thursdays 1.30-3.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, advice is available by prior appointment. Computers available at drop-in cafe.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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33 Seymour place, London, W1H 5AU


Monthly drop-in (the third Sunday of the month) for families with children under 16 living with the family and an active asylum claim. We provide travel costs, supermarket vouchers, home cooked food, good quality second-hand clothes, toiletries, female hygiene products, and additional support for families with ongoing medical issues. See website for more details.

Date Last Checked: 13/06/2019 Amend this listing
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Hillingdon Law Services at Hillingdon Law Centre

12 Harold Avenue, Hayes, UB3 4QW


Not-for-profit offering immigration advice with qualified solicitors and advisers by appointment only. Funded by Hillingdon Community Trust. Serving residents of Botwell, Pinkwell, Townfield, Yiewsley, West Drayton and Heathrow, NOT Hounslow.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton

Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3AA


Offers friendship, advice, counselling and English language classes to refugees, asylum seekers and newly settled migrants and their families. Free English classes on Wednesdays during term-time, 10am-12, with a creche for children.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Streatham Drop in Centre for Asylum Seekers and refugees

2 Mitcham Lane, Streatham, London, SW16 6NN


Thursday and Friday 9.30 to 2.00pm: General advice and information, English language classes, creche and play facilities, health and well being support (Nurse on Thursday and health caseworker on Friday). Saturday homework club and family learning project. See website or contact for details and times.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Leemore Central Community Hub, Bonefield Road, Lewisham, SE13 5ES


Supplementary Saturday School for children of primary age: Saturdays during term time.

Food bank for destitute families including additional services such as allotment, community dinners: Alternate Saturdays 10am-12pm at the Good Shepherd and St Peter’s Church in Lee.

Advice service by appointment. Email:

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network – LRMN

The Sayes Court Clubroom, 341 Evelyn Street, London, SE8 5QX


LRMN supports refugees and other migrants who are vulnerable, destitute and have children living in mostly Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley and Bromley. Depending on availability, some projects are open to people living all over London. The immigration and housing advice is however currently only for Lewisham and Bexley clients.

Open Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm.

Immigration advice from qualified advisers by appointment only. Also offering emergency support, support for women, a community forum, English classes, housing and welfare advice, community, and training and employment advice.

Email LRMN reception ( to arrange an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 06/02/2025 Amend this listing
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Southwark Refugee and Migrant Project

Sojourner Truth Centre, 161 Sumner Road, London SE15 6JL


LRMN offers ESOL classes, a Back to Employment surgery and social activities. See website or contact for details of current activities. Contact form on website

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Southwark day centre for asylum seekers at Copleston Road

Copleston Centre, Copleston Road, Peckham, SE15 4AN


Day centre drop-in Tuesdays 12.30pm-5. Lunch served at 1pm, advice service (OISC level 1 registered) from 2pm. Also offers a creche (2pm-4), English class (2pm-5pm) and a well being group (3.30pm-4.30).

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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The Crypt, Holy Cross Church, Cromer Street, WC1H 8JU


Specialist casework support with welfare rights, housing, community care, asylum support and immigration matters. Drop in sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays, 12-3, with hot lunch, sewing classes and crafting, Wi-Fi access, advice and support.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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c/o 80 East End Road London N3 2SY


For registered asylum seekers, the drop in is held on the first Sunday of the month at a school in North London. Clients are invited by text from 1pm and last entry is 3.30pm. Providing lunch, clothing, toiletries and sanitary products and supermarket vouchers. Medical and lawyer consultation are made available. Newly UK arrivals asylum seekers are invited from local accommodations only

Date Last Checked: 02/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Alyth Gardens, Finchley Rd, Alyth Gardens, London NW11 7EN


Drop in runs on the last Sunday of the month, 2-4pm. Advice, conversation, food, homework club and for individuals and families with leave to remain in the UK only (clients are asked to bring ID and proof of leave to remain). Travel expenses will be paid.

Date Last Checked: 25/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Hyde House, The Hyde, NW9 6LH


Located on 8th floor podium. Phone for advice Monday-Friday 9am-4pm or arrange an appointment for help with registering with a doctor, finding and using healthcare, housing problems, welfare, benefits and asylum seeker support, Education and schooling, volunteering opportunities, work placements and youth activities. Legal advice surgery runs every other Wednesday – call Nousheen Ashtiani on 020 89059002 or email for details and to book an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Barnet Refugee Service, Edgeware Community Hospital drop-ins

Advice and Information Centre, Edgeware Community Hospital, HA8 0AD


Drop-ins Tuesday 1pm-3pm and Fridays 1pm-3pm. Help with registering with a doctor, finding and using healthcare, housing problems, welfare, benefits and asylum seeker support, Education and schooling, volunteering opportunities, work placements and more.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Barnet Refugee Service, Youth Club

Northwest Centre, Avion Crescent, Grahame Park Way, NW9 5QY


Every Thursday, 5.30-8pm. Open to all asylum seekers aged 13-21. Social opportunities and group activities including photography, music, painting, film and drama, cooking and sport.

Date Last Checked: 29/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Barnet Refugee Service, legal advice surgery

Hyde House, The Hyde, NW9 6LH


Located on 8th floor podium. Legal advice surgery runs every other Wednesday – call Nousheen Ashtiani on 020 89059002 or email for details and to book an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 29/03/2025 Amend this listing
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16-18 Cross Street, N1 2BG


Advice, support, ESOL classes, art and writing classes, physical well-being, community and enrichment activities to offer people the emotional support, practical tools and sense of community they need to build a happy life in the UK.

Currently registration is needed via the website to access support.

Date Last Checked: 02/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Migrants Resource Centre, Berol House, 25 Ashley Road, London, N17 9LJ


MRC offers a range of services to improve the skills and quality of life of migrants, including computer classes, English classes, job support, health workshops and creative activities. Go to the ‘activities’ section of the website for a timetable of the month’s services and information on how to register. They offer an asylum advice line (Tuesday 1pm-4pm) on 020 7354 9264, general advice for Westminster residents only, Tuesday 1.30-4pm, Wednesday 10am-12.30pm on 020 7402 6750

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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10 Kingsgate Place, London NW6 4TA


Latin American House is open to the public from Monday to Thursday, 10am-2pm and 3pm – 6pm and offers legal and social advice in relation to benefits, immigration, family, housing and employment law, as well as opportunities to acquire life-long skills and a place to meet people, share ideas and enjoy the rich culture of Latin America. The Menchu nursery is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. See website to see the times of the different services and to arrange an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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IMECE Women's Centre, 2 Newington Green Road, Islington, London, N1 4RX


IMECE women’s centre is a woman-only registered charity and company limited by guarantee, set up in 1982. Its aim is to empower Black, Minority Ethnic and Refugee women, particularly Turkish, Kurdish and Turkish Cypriot women and improve the quality of their lives.

See website for details of full range of services, including advice and information, housing surgeries, counselling and more.

First come first served drop-ins on Tuesday and Friday mornings between 9.45-11.35, advice by appointment on Tuesdays and Fridays 11.45-4pm (call preceding day between 2.30-4.30 to book an appointment).

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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115 Old Street, EC1V 9RT


Independent national charity representing clients at all stages of asylum and immigration cases. Advice surgery with one of three trained solicitors on Tuesday mornings 10-12 at a reduced, one-off rate of 75 pounds. Call in advance to book a slot.

JCWI have a legal advice helpline on 0800 160 1004. The helpline is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10-1pm.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Latin American Women’s Rights Service

Latin American Women's Rights Service, Tindlemanor, 52 Featherstone Street, EC1Y 8RT


Housing, benefit and debt advice , support for victims of gender-based violence, counselling and psychotherapy, Latin American girls and young women’s group, policy, research, advocacy and campaigning, outreach and integration, English classes and others.

Helpline 0808 145 4909 open Tuesday to Friday – 11 am to 1 pm

Date Last Checked: 11/11/2024 Amend this listing
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Unit 19 Easton Business Park, Felix Road, Bristol, BS5 0HE


If you have recently been granted refugee status, they can help with benefit applications, applying for housing, bank accounts and integration loans.

If you are destitute as you’ve been refused asylum or have just been granted refugee status, they can provide some small financial support for up to 8 weeks.

Their International Family Tracing service can try to trace your family overseas (including in Europe) if you have lost contact.

If you have a ‘Family Reunion’ visa for a member of your family they may be able to organise and pay for travel to the UK.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Bradbury House, 10 Brindley Road, City Park, Cornbrook, Manchester, M16 9HQ


Orientation, destitution support, first aid. International family tracing covering Bolton, Leigh, Rochdale, Oldham. Different drop-ins and services around the city. Go to website for details.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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2nd Floor, 402 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JD


Orientation project, women in crisis project, refugee action casework, weekly social drop-in centre, new voice publication, first aid for women and international family tracing.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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The Friend's Meeting House, Western Street, Huddersfield Road, Barnsley, S70 2BP


Based in the Friend’s Meeting House. Drop in Wednesday 10-2pm, orientation group Thursday 1pm – 3pm. International family tracing, destitution support.

Date Last Checked: 28/07/2017 Amend this listing
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Millside Centre, 131 Grattan Road, Bradford, BD1 2HS


Orientation, destitution support, international family tracing. Sunlight Men’s Group.

Destitution Drop-in. A welcoming and safe space for asylum seekers to get advice, use computers and meet others. Every Tuesday from 10:00 – 14:00

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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1A Leeds Place, Tollington Park, N4 3RF


Specialist mental health service open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 10am-7pm, for refugees and asylum seekers only. Referrals only. Therapists speaking Farsi, Italian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian/Croatian, Serbian, German and English.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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John Vianney Church Hall, 386 West Green Road, N15 3QL


Triage session on Mondays from 11am to 1pm (please check the website for any dates of closure, for example during summer).

Advice for all migrants on immigration, welfare, health and housing. Signposting to local services, limited casework and advocacy. Arrive early to avoid disappointment.

Please note that Haringey Migrant Support Centre are not able to give advice over the phone or email, all enquiries are dealt with initially at the Monday drop-in.

Date Last Checked: 13/06/2019 Amend this listing
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Victoria Park Skills Centre, Corbett Street, Smethwick, West Midlands, B66 3PU


Not-for-profit organization that provides support primarily for the Somali community, refugees, asylum seekers and newly arrived communities. Youth activities, FGM project, Women’s group, Somali women’s group, training courses and more.

Date Last Checked: 14/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Bradbury House, 7 Lowe Street, Camp Hill, Birmingham


Orientation, destitution project, therapeutic care. Open Tuesday and Friday 9.30am – 2.30pm.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Refugee Action's CARE project, Bradbury House, 7 Lowe Street, Camp Hill, Birmingham, B12 0ER


The CARE project supports asylum seekers in Birmingham whose claim for asylum or refugee status has been refused. Support and advice, rights education, help with making appeals. Call or visit at the Red Cross Offices on Fridays 10am – 4pm

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee and Migrant Centre (Birmingham Office)

Unit 2, 57 Frederick Street, Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, B1 3HS


Monday-Friday (not Wednesday) drop-in surgery (9am-1pm) and appointments (2pm-5pm). Assisting refugees and migrants through crisis and disadvantage. Employment services, women’s group, destitution support and advice, health services, citizenship preparation and more.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee and Migrant Centre (Wolverhampton Office)

1st Floor, Roma Parva, 9 Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton, WV1 4NB


Open drop-in service runs on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between 9am-1pm.

Assisting refugees and migrants through crisis and disadvantage. Employment services, women’s group, destitution support and advice, health services, citizenship preparation and more.

Regular appointments are booked on a first-come, first-served basis but emergencies are prioritised.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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St. Patrick's Centre for community health, Birmingham Area, B12 0XR


Promoting the health and wellbeing of women who have worked in, are working in, or are at risk of becoming involved in the commercial sex industry. See website for full details of support services.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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The Sycamore Centre, 33a Hungerhill Road, Nottingham, NG3 4NB


Offering practical advice, information, support and friendship and campaigning on migration issues. Projects include anti-destitution, children and families, young people, advice shop, women’s cultural exchange and welfare rights advice.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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Catalyst House, 27A Yarm Road, Stockton-on-Tess, TS18 3NJ


Refugee futures is an accommodation seeking and tenancy support service for refugees and their families within the city of Nottingham. Support is generally available to service users for 2-3 months, and services include support finding accommodation, setting up utilities, applying for benefits, budgeting, accessing local health services, education, social inclusion, interpreting and translation services.

Date Last Checked: 27/03/2025 Amend this listing
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The Vine Community Centre, Bobbers Mill Road, Nottingham, NG7 5GZ


Organisation working to support asylum seekers and refugees in the Nottingham area.

  • Tuesday Women’s Group 10:30am: Come for a chat, cup of tea and some fun activities!
  • Wednesday morning English Class: 10:45-1245 (starting in June)
  • Wednesday afternoon English Class: 16:00-17:30 (every week on Wednesday)
  • Art Project: 13:00-15:00 (19th June and weekly from July)
  • Monthly Cooking group: 11:00-12:45 and eating together 12:45-13:30 (every 4th wednesday of the month)
  • Conversation Groups and Games: 15:00-16:00 every week on Wednesday
  • We offer a food bank, clothes bank and legal advice drop-in rotated each week at our “Access” group (Wednesday 1:00pm-5:00pm)
For refugee and asylum seekers wanting support, you can contact: Adam Baker (Co-ordinator of the Rainbow Project) 07462092732 or Rose Henshaw (Asylum Support Worker) 07458982110
Date Last Checked: 30/05/2019 Amend this listing
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All Souls Community Centre, Ilkeston Road, Nottingham, NG7 3HF


Arimathea Trust provide housing and support for destitute asylum seekers and newly recognised refugees. Arimathea Trust work with asylum seekers who have had their first claim for asylum fully refused but have legal representation to be able to present further evidence of their claim for refugee status in the UK.

Arimathea Trust also support newly recognised refugees who often become homeless when they get there status, as 28 days is not long enough to be able to get benefits into payment and also they lack a deposit for private rented accommodation, so Arimathea Trust provide a first tenancy and teach the skills needed to successfully manage a tenancy without support and to move on to permanent accommodation.

Date Last Checked: 15/12/2017 Amend this listing
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1 Alfred Place, Leicester, LE1 1EB


Social drop-in sessions for 13-19 year olds. Tuesdays and Fridays, 5.30 – 7.30pm. Targeting mainly unaccompanied asylum seeking young people, those with leave to remain and new arrivals, this service provides social support as well as information and guidance, careers advice, life skills lessons, advocacy, educational opportunities and more.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Unit 3 Joplin Court, Sovereign Business Park, Crownhill, Milton Keynes, MK8 0JP


International family tracing, emergency provisions, orientation, destitution support.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, Voluntary Resource Centre, 15 New Bedford Road, Luton LU1 1SA


Tuesday drop-in support service – call or email for times and locations or to arrange an appointment. The Refugee Council’s Children’s Section works directly with separated children and those who support them. They have tailored support for trafficked children, age disputed children and children in detention, and offer youth activities, educational services, therapeutic services and advice.

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, 3 Stone Road, Birmingham B15 2HH


Wednesday drop-in support service – call or email for times and locations or to arrange an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section, 2 Great George Street, Leeds, LS2 8BA


The Refugee Council’s Children’s Section works directly with separated children and those who support them. They have tailored support for trafficked children, age disputed children and children in detention, and offer youth activities, educational services, therapeutic services and advice. Call or email for details of support available.

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Bevan House, 16 Piccadilly, Bradford, BD1 3LS


We are a small multi disciplinary health team working with asylum seekers, refugees, other migrants new to Bradford and Airedale, and homeless clients, supporting them in accessing health care, and offering initial health and TB screening, advice and/or facilitating access into treatment.

Please see website for online form to register for services.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Destitute Asylum Seekers Huddersfield (DASH)

Paddock Village Hall, West View, Huddersfield HD1 4TX


Open 10:30am – 4pm Monday and Thursday only.

DASH supports asylum seekers and new refugees in the Kirklees area and beyond and operates on a 24/7 person-centred holistic basis. Services include hosting for destitute asylum seekers, drop-ins, advocacy, destitution support and English classes.

Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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Gregory House, Coram Campus, 49 Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N 2QA


Children’s rights service with three parts: advocacy, independent visiting and participation. The Migrant Children’s Project provides one-to-one legal advice on issues affecting children subject to immigration control through its advice line, outreach programme and a range of free resources and online information.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Unit 14, The Wesley Centre, Royce Road, Manchester, M15 5BP


Unit 14 of the Wesley Centre. Advocacy, independent visitors, support and advice. The Migrant Children’s Project provides one-to-one legal advice on issues affecting children subject to immigration control through its advice line, outreach programme and a range of free resources and online information.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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15 Red Lion Street, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6ER


First floor. Advocacy, independent visitors, support and advice. The Migrant Children’s Project provides one-to-one legal advice on issues affecting children subject to immigration control through its advice line, outreach programme and a range of free resources and online information.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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One Community Centre, Cromwell Street, Leeds, LS9 7SG


Leeds Refugee Forum provides the following services:

ESOL classes; conversation classes (including a women’s only class); women’s sewing group; IT facilities; advocacy; debt & finance Support; workshops; benefits assistance; youth & children’s homework support; social activities and more.

Please visit the website for more detail and view the current timetable.

Date Last Checked: 28/05/2019 Amend this listing
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The Old Toll House, 110 Hamstead Road, Handsworth,Birmingham, B20 2QS


Immigration advice sessions: Wednesdays 3pm-5pm (no appointment needed, initial advice is free, subsequent charges may apply); refugee action-care sessions Thursday 10am-4pm; Asylum sessions Fridays 10am-1pm.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Brushstrokes Project, St. Philip's Parish Centre, Messenger Road, Smethwick, West Midlands, B66 3DU


Brustrokes Community Project provide practical resources for destitute, homeless or impoverished people, welcoming asylum seekers, refugees and migrants across Sandwell and West Birmingham and providing befriending, ESOL classes, healthcare, practical support, employment and benefits advice and more. See website for full details.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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The Children's Society, 2nd Floor, Eaton House, 1 Eaton Road, Coventry, CV1 2FJ


Working with children and families who have no recourse to public funds, unaccompanied asylum seekers and young people who have run away from home. Youth groups, counselling, awareness raising, advice and guidance.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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The Children's Society, The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, The Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, B18 6NE


Working with children and families who have no recourse to public funds, unaccompanied asylum seekers and children at risk of sexual exploitation. Youth groups, counselling, awareness raising, advice and guidance.

It’s necessary to register and have a GP in Birmingham to receive drop-in/well-being services.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre

Norton House, Bird Street, Coventry CV1 5FX


General advice on asylum and immigration, housing and money issues. Outreach, immigration and asylum law department, children’s rights campaign group. Providing ESOL classes for young and adult asylum seekers and refugees.

Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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The Place, Athenaeum Street, Sunderland, SR1 1QX


Action Foundation fights social exclusion on a number of fronts; a housing and hosting scheme for destitute asylum seekers, a supported letting project for refugees, and an ESOL service for any migrant who cannot access classes elsewhere. Please contact to arrange an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Victoria Hall Methodist Church, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S. Yorkshire, S1 2JB


Multi-agency drop-in coordinated by Sheffield City of Sanctuary, Wednesdays 1pm to 3pm at Victoria Methodist Church.
ASSIST Sheffield helps destitute asylum seekers by providing accommodation, advice and other support to those in most need or distress. Night shelter, temporary accommodation, small weekly welfare payments, free bus passes, signposting, awareness raising.
BRC offers general refugee support and family tracing support.
Conversation club offers refugees and asylum seekers the chance to improve their English in an informal setting.
Victoria Hall also hosts projects around substance misuse and sexual health, legal advice, a clothes bank and advice on improving financial wellbeing.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Woodhouse Community Centre, 197 Woodhouse Street, Leeds, LS6 2NY


Abigail Housing’s refugee project provides new refugees with temporary accommodation. They support residents in navigating the British welfare system, enabling them to set up successful job seekers allowance and housing benefit claims and access healthcare and education services.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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C/o Touchstone, 32 Merton road, Bradford, BD7 1RE


An English conversation club (CHAT English Club) for all non-English speakers, a hosting service for destitute adult asylum seekers (Hosting Project), a legal support project for asylum seekers with no legal representation (McKenzie Friends), and a hospitality project at the local Immigration and Asylum tribunal centre (CHAT Phoenix House).

Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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HEARTS (The Children's Society Project), Hillside Enterprise Centre, Beeston Road, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 8ND


Drop-in for advice and support 4.30pm to 6.30pm on Wednesdays on 1st floor of above address.  HEARTS (Helping Each Asylum Seeker and Refugee to Settle) provides support to refugee and asylum-seeking children and young people in the Leeds area through signposting, orientation and mentoring/befriending.

Date Last Checked: 13/11/2018 Amend this listing
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Barnardo's Leeds Children's Rights Service, Rockford House, Low Lane, Horsforth, LEEDS, LS18 5QW


Advocacy support for children and young people that are looked after by Leeds Local Authority ages 0-24 years.

This includes advocacy support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and refugees who are in the care of Leeds Children’s Social Care.

Date Last Checked: 02/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN)

116 Dewsbury Road, Leeds LS11 6XD


Befriending, grace hosting, English at home, information and awareness. Website has useful resources for language learning and guidance.

See website for full range of services with contact details.

Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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26 St. Michael's Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3AW


Support and accommodation for eligible asylum seekers, vulnerable refugees, victims of human trafficking, modern slavery, forced marriage, honour based violence or domestic abuse. Supported accommodation for unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

Call to make a referral.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Mill Lane, Bradford, BD4 7DF


Support and accommodation for eligible asylum seekers, vulnerable refugees, victims of human trafficking, modern slavery, forced marriage, honour based violence or domestic abuse. Supported accommodation for unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

Call to make a referral.

Date Last Checked: 02/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers

St. Aidan's Community Hall, Elford Place West, Leeds, LS8 5QD


PAFRAS provides specialist casework and mental health support, with a focus on destitution. PAFRAS can support you if you are at risk of becoming homeless, if your asylum support is ending or if your asylum claim has been refused and your solicitor has closed your file. We can also provide mental health assessments and referrals into specialist mental health services.

PAFRAS also has a service especially for young asylum seekers aged 16-24 years old. We can support you if the Home Office does not believe your age, if you are at risk of becoming homeless or if your asylum claim has been refused and your solicitor has closed your file. We can also support with mental health and wellbeing.

To access PAFRAS support:

PAFRAS drop-in is on Wednesday, from 9:45 at St Aidan’s Church Hall, Elford Place West (off Roundhay Road), Harehills, Leeds, LS8 5QD. There are snacks and hot drinks, specialist casework, mental health assessments, help with GP registration. Food parcels and toiletries for destitute asylum seekers only.

The drop-in gets very busy so arrive early to make sure you get seen.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2024 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section, Gredley House, 1-11 Broadway, London E15 4BQ


The refugee council’s children’s section works directly with separated children and those who support them. They have tailored support for trafficked children, age disputed children and children in detention, and offer youth activities, educational services, therapeutic services and advice.

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Refugee Council Children's Section Advice Service, Red Cross Centre, 25 College Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6SX


Drop in service for young people Monday-Friday 9.30am – 5.00 pm. The Refugee Council’s Children’s Section works directly with separated children and those who support them. They have tailored support for trafficked children, age disputed children and children in detention, and offer youth activities, educational services, therapeutic services and advice.

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Person Shaped Support (PSS) 'Spinning World' Project, 18 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE


Office open Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm. Within ‘Spinning World’ service users are able to access mental health support aimed at young migrants, a crisis service offering 3 sessions of counselling and referrals to spinning world ALW, for refugees with complex trauma.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Green Fish Resource Centre, 46-50 Oldham Street, Manchester, M4 1LE


CAN is a long-established Manchester-based arts organisation, an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation and a Manchester City Council Cultural Partnership Funded Organisation. CAN build deep, long-lasting connections with communities across Greater Manchester, developing unique, creative projects with people whose voices are not normally heard in the mainstream.

Through exciting and high-quality creative projects with artists, communities and young people, CAN share creative work; shining a light on new talent and fresh voices. CAN run Exodus, a flagship refugee arts programme.

CAN are open between 10am and 5pm, Monday to Friday

Date Last Checked: 07/11/2024 Amend this listing
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179 Royce Road, Hulme, Manchester M15 5TJ


The Asylum Crisis Project supports individuals and families who are waiting for a decision on their asylum claim with assistance to access housing and financial support as well as those who have had their first asylum claim rejected but are unable to return to their home country.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Technology House 2, Lissadel Street, Salford, M6 6AP


Office G17 in Technology House. Provides general advice, information and guidance and practical support related to African people’s needs such as translation, interpreting, welfare, health, housing, education and employment. Increasing social opportunities and promoting community cohesion, respect and diversity.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Regional Refugee Forum North East – Middlesborough Office

St. Paul's Road, Middlesbrough, Tees Valley, TS1 5NG


The regional refugee forum connects refugee-led community organizations, raising their collective voice. They also conduct research and campaign. See website for details of services involved.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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The North of England Refugee Service – Newcastle Branch

2 Friars Sreet, Newcastle, NE1 4XA


Open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5pm; Wednesday PM emergencies only. Face to Face or Telephone Advice. Health access for refugees programme. Interpreting service. Signposting services.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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The North of England Refugee Service – Sunderland Branch

C/O Ben Hoare Bell Solicitors, Basement Floor, 47 John Street, Sunderland, SR1 1QU


Open Monday and Friday 9.30am – 1:00pm, Wednesday 9.30am – 12.00pm, appointment only. Face to Face or Telephone Advice, health access for refugees programme, interpreting service, Signposting services.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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The North of England Refugee Service – Tees Valley Office

49 Grange Road, Middlebrough, TS1 5AU


Open Monday – Friday 9.30am – 5pm; Wednesday PM emergencies only. Face to Face or Telephone Advice. Health access for refugees programme. Interpreting service. Signposting services.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Croft House, Western Avenue, Newcastle, NE4 8SR


Open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. We help refugees and asylum seekers access essential services and adapt to life in a new country. Also offer an international family tracing service.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Melbourne House, Newport Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 5QH


Open door North East provides holistic support for both asylum seekers and refugees living in Teesside (Middlesbrough, Stockton and the surrounding areas). Crisis support includes advice, information and guidance, weekly food, housing, language classes and volunteering opportunities. They host three drop-ins: Mondays 10.30 – 3.30pm, Women’s drop-in Tuesdays 10am – 1pm and a Refugee Work Club, Wednesday 10:30 – 3pm.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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2nd Floor, 10-13 Saville Row, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8JE


The North East Law Centre provides specialist Immigration and Asylum advice to Newcastle and North East residents. North East Law Centre provide a range of legal services to unrepresented refugees and asylum seekers who are unable to receive legal aid.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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The Castle Gate, Melbourne Street, Newcastle, NE1 2JQ


Action Foundation fights social exclusion on a number of fronts; a housing and hosting scheme for destitute asylum seekers, a supported letting project for refugees, and an ESOL service for any migrant who cannot access classes elsewhere. Please contact to arrange an appointment.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Community Base, Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XG


The heart of the organisation’s work is a weekly radio programme that helps refugees and asylum seekers to have a voice. They also work with the arts and run community projects supporting people who have experienced mental health issues.

Date Last Checked: 11/11/2016 Amend this listing
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St. Anne's, 7 Overbury Street, Liverpool, Liverpool, L7 3HJ


Open Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm. ALM provide immigration advice and general casework. Destitution support including provision of clothing and food, ESOL classes. Well Being programmes including Healthy Eating and Cooking, Allotments and Gardening, Oral Hygiene sessions and Bike repair.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Boaz Trust, Kath Locke Centre, 123 Moss Lane East, Manchester, M15 5DD

The Boaz Trust is a Christian organisation providing accommodation and support to people made homeless through the asylum process in Greater Manchester.
*Please note: the Boaz Trust is not a drop-in or advice service and accepts referrals only.*
Boaz Accommodation: The Boaz Trust provides accommodation through shared houses for people who have been refused asylum and those granted refugee status (single adults, over 18). Referrals are accepted via online forms available at:
Boaz Floating Support: For people at risk of, or currently experiencing, homelessness with insecure or uncertain immigration status. This is currently provided as part of the Restricted Eligibility Service. For information and referral form see here:
Date Last Checked: 02/12/2024 Amend this listing
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17 Rowlandsway, Wythenshawe, M22 5RN


Through general advocacy, one to one support and group work and activities (All 4 One group), we aim to empower young people to develop independent skills and to be able to navigate the local culture and system within Greater Manchester. Open to young people aged 14-21 and up to age 25 (if still in education) who are unaccompanied and seeking asylum.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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St Bride’s Church, Percy St, Liverpool, L8 7LT

The best way to get help is to attend a drop-in. All the drop-ins are a women-only safe space. At the drop-ins, there are refreshments, including a meal, opportunities to meet other women, get help and support from staff, volunteers and some other organisations that attend. Children are always welcome and we have toys for them to play with.
There are different ways that the organisation can support you. This could be by offering you help finding a solicitor, making a phone call, interpreting a letter or providing you with someone who can attend an appointment with you.
Outreach Sessions:
Tuesdays 10.30am – 1.30pm – St Bride’s Church, Percy St, Liverpool, L8 7LT
Fridays 11.00am – 2.00pm – All Saints Church, 55 Sheil Rd, Liverpool, L6 3AD
Three locations:
The Florrie, 377 Mill Street, Liverpool, L8 4RF
St Bride’s, Percy Street / Catharine Street, L8 7LT
All Saints Church, 55 Sheil Road, L6 3A
Date Last Checked: 29/01/2020 Amend this listing
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Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit

1 Delaunays Road, Crumpsall Green, Manchester, M8 4QS


Drop-in service is on Tuesday mornings at 8am. Free, confidential and independent specialist legal immigration and asylum advice and representation to people seeking entry or leave to remain in the UK. Offices open weekdays Monday to Friday from 10am to 4:30pm for appointments and general enquiries.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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129 Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester, M14 4RB


Drop-in advice centre open on Monday 10am – 1pm. Network of community organizations. Free, impartial and confidential advice, information and guidance on welfare benefits, tax credits, housing, access to health services and asylum support. Translation and interpreting service available (languages spoken include Arabic, Kurdish, Tigrinya, and Farsi).

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Revive offices and Beswick Drop-In

St. Brigid's Parish Hall, 187 Grey Mare Lane, Beswick, Manchester, M11 3ND


Drop in Service every Tuesday 11.30 am – 4.00pm (last entry 2.30pm) with OISC qualified advisors. Asylum support, emergency support, destitution, benefits advice, family support, health matters, referrals.


Date Last Checked: 27/07/2020 Amend this listing
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Spiritan Centre, Northallerton Road, Lower Kersal, Salford, M7 3TP


Drop in Service every Wednesday, 11.00am – 4.00pm (last entry 2.30) with OISC qualified advisors. Asylum support, emergency support, destitution, benefits advice, family support, health matters, referrals.


Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Healthwatch Portsmouth's Cross-cultural women's drop-in, Friendship Centre, Elm Grove, Southsea, PO5 1JT


Social and activity group for women of all ethnicities. Every Wednesday 12.30pm – 2.30 pm (term time only). Children are welcome but remain the parent/guardian’s responsibility at all times. No need to book. Activities include: health workshops, guest speakers, English classes, Computer session etc.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Unit 7, Newtec Place, Magdalen Rd, Oxford, OX4 1RE


Free, confidential information, help and guidance for refugees, asylum seekers and immigration detainees in Oxford and Oxfordshire. The welcome centre is open for drop-ins, 9.30am – 4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pre-booked appointments only on Mondays and Thursdays. Offers youth service (meeting Tuesdays evenings), visiting support for detainees at Campsfield, free meals. See website for full details.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Bedfordshire Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support

27B Tavistock Street, Bedford, MK40 2RB


Provides support for refugees and asylum seekers. Advice sessions (Tuesday 10am-2pm, Wednesday 10am-2pm and 6.30pm-7.30pm by appointment) deal with a range of issues, including applying for asylum, benefits and accessing appropriate services. Organises numerous events throughout the year.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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St Mary Magdalen Catholic Church, 55 Upper North Street, Brighton BN1 3FH


Provides advice, advocacy and support for refugees and those with no recourse to public funds. Advice on Legal matters, accommodation, health, education and employment. Food, clothes, toiletries and assistance for those who are destitute.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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City Life Education and Action for Refugees (CLEAR)

James Street Centre, 2 James Street, Southampton SO14 1PJ


Advice, information and guidance for refugees and asylum seekers. Employment service provides support to clients with their job search process. ESOL classes are suitable for a range of learners, including those who have never spoken the English language before.

Office open Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. See for locations of ESOL classes.

Date Last Checked: 28/05/2019 Amend this listing
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Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN)

Wincheap Industrial Estate, 34 Simmonds Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3RA


See also separate map listings for Ashford and Folkestone.

Football sessions: Monday (Ashford), Wednesday (Folkestone), Friday (Canterbury)

Drama group: Monday (Canterbury)

Women and children’s ESOL classes: Tuesday and Friday mornings (Canterbury), Tuesday morning (Folkestone)





Date Last Checked: 23/05/2019 Amend this listing
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Charlton House, Dour Street, Dover, Kent, CT16 1AT


Independent advice and support to asylum seekers, including assistance with completion of application forms for support. Support for victims of human trafficking, detainees and foreign national prisoners.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Reading Refugee Support Group

RRSG, 35-39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS


Help with accessing health care, English language courses, social services, accommodation and benefits. Advocacy and help with job seeking. Translation and interpreting. Also offer befriending, social events. Immigration advice and signposting. Drop-in caseworker advice service every Monday, 10am-1pm in the RISC meeting hall (next to main office).

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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38 St Matthew Street, Ipswich, IP1 3EP


Drop-in advice and advocacy on Mondays, 9.30am-1.00pm and 2.15pm & 4.30pm, Tuesdays 10.00am-1.00pm and 2.15pm & 4.30pm and Fridays 9.30am & 1.00pm and 2.15pm & 4.30pm. Services include advocacy, help with form filling and advice on all areas of UK life from housing to employment and training. Signposting to immigration advice and ESOL classes. Also run an international women’s group.

Date Last Checked: 12/12/2020 Amend this listing
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9 Liverpool Terrace, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1TA, UK


Work with young people aged 16-24, including asylum and refugee young people, focussing on their wellbeing, welfare and skills development to aid successful transition into adulthood and independent living. Services include therapeutic group work, mentoring, peer support and signposting to other services.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Barnardo's - South East and East Anglia Regional Office, South East Regional Office, Unit 1, Satellite Business Village, Fleming Way, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9NE


Advocacy and fostering services for separated children. Work-based learning and vocational training available.

Date Last Checked: 13/03/2025 Amend this listing
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Key2 Homes and Support for Young People

James House, 47a James Street, Oxford, OX4 1EU


Key2 provide emergency secure accommodation for care leavers and unaccompanied children, including unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.

Key2 provide a four-week orientation programme for newly arrived unaccompanied asylum seeking young people living in Oxfordshire, providing English lessons and information sessions about living in the UK and staying safe.

Date Last Checked: 28/12/2017 Amend this listing
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Pathways to Independence – Croydon Office

Cornerstone House, 14 Willis Road, CR0 2XX


PTIUK is a Leading provider of accommodation, support and training services for young people leaving care and seeking asylum. We Work in Sussex and Greater London and currently house 30 young people across our 2 project areas.

Date Last Checked: 11/11/2016 Amend this listing
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Wellspring Settlement, 43 Ducie Rd, BS5 0AX


Bristol Refugee Rights Welcome Centre provides a place of welcome in Bristol where asylum seekers and refugees can meet and be supported to play a full part in the life of the wider community. They also campaign for the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers.

The Welcome Centre is open on Thursdays 10am-1pm. There is an advice line (07526 352 353) and advice drop-in on Wednesdays 10.00am-12.00pm.
Their Young People’s Immigration Project offers advice and advocacy for young asylum seekers and other migrants in the care of Bristol City Council as well as training and support to people caring for young migrants.
Date Last Checked: 07/11/2024 Amend this listing
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Brigstowe Project, Easton Community Centre, Kilburn Street, Easton, BS5 6AW


Brigstowe supports migrants and asylum seekers who are living with or affected by HIV in Bristol and the surrounding areas. Advice and information on housing, finance, community care, legal services, education and training, and charges for care. Practical and emotional support.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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The Assisi Centre, Lawfords Gate, Bristol BS5 ORE


Charity that supports disadvantaged and excluded people to improve their lives and the community in which they live. Borderlands works especially with people seeking asylum in the UK and refugees from other countries; we support people who have been trafficked and trapped in domestic service or the sex industry.

Borderlands holds a drop-in at Tolentino Hall, next to the Assisi centre on Mondays (9.30am – 12.30am) and Tuesdays (9.30am – 2.30pm).

Date Last Checked: 09/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Unit 38, Easton Business Centre, Felix Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 OHE


Bristol City of Sanctuary operates a transport fund for destitute asylum seekers, supports local organisations and individuals in Bristol working in support of migrants, and campaigns on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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Unit 42 Easton Business Centre, Felix Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 0HE


Aims to raise the educational and economic status of refugee and asylum seeking women; provide access to English language learning, volunteering and training opportunities in order to increase the ability of service users to gain employment and support themselves and reduce isolation and improve confidence.

Drop in every Tuesday during term time, 10am-2.30pm, at the Malcolm X Centre in St. Paul’s.

Date Last Checked: 07/11/2024 Amend this listing
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Exeter Community Centre, 17 St Davids Hill, Exeter, EX4 3RG


Drop-in Service 10.00am – 12.00pm & 2:00pm – 4:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. Information and practical support to adults and families, on a wide range of issues including accessing services such as education, health, housing and English classes. Refugee Support Devon also signpost to other services if they cannot help directly. These services are available to all refugees, asylum seekers and those with a vulnerable immigration status living in Devon

Date Last Checked: 21/10/2024 Amend this listing
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Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS)

111 Barton Street, Gloucester, GL1 4HR


GARAS operates a drop-service on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am-4pm (10am-5pm on Wednesdays) for asylum seekers and refugees with a dedicated liaison worker for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. As well as activities and refreshments, the drop in allows clients to access advice on health, benefits, housing, immigration and education issues, careers and employability guidance, counselling, signposting and food, clothing and furniture donations. The organisation also works to raise awareness of issues facing asylum seekers among a range of interested parties and bodies.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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START, Unit 4, HQ Building, 237 Union Street, Plymouth, PL1 3HQ


Drop in service Monday 10am – 1pm. Appointment only at all other times. START works in partnership with families, individuals and organisations to facilitate the transition of refugees from people in need to self-reliant contributors to their local community. Start both undertakes individual case work and runs community activities including a kitchen project, sewing group and allotment protect.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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The Link, 3-5 Palmerston Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, BH1 4HN


Advice and destitution services, including food parcels, toiletries, travel support, and assistance with international tracing. Signposting to other services available.

Date Last Checked: 07/08/2017 Amend this listing
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