Breaking the Chains is a unique and ground-breaking project designed to meet the specific needs of asylum-seeking children and young people by providing a holistic legal representation and advice service which is child-centred and child-friendly.
MiCLU have formally partnered with Shpresa Programme, a user-led organisation working with the Albanian community, to work with Albanian asylum-seeking children.
Kids In Need of Defense UK is a collaboration between the US Charity KIND, Inc and three legal advice charities in the UK.
Kids in Need of Defense UK aims to translate the US pro bono model of KIND Inc into the UK legal landscape – a self-sustaining pro bono programme of legal representation for migrant children and young people where there is inadequate, or no legal aid representation, available.
MiCLU’s Legal Resources
The MiCLU Team have produced useful resources that help you, and your clients, get the most out of legal representation.
You can find more on our full resources page.
Resources that can be used by lawyers representing young Albanian asylum seekers.
A guide for young asylum seekers about all the professionals they will meet and how they can help.
A directory was to help young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers find nearby support services.
Resources to help young asylum seekers, made with young asylum seekers.
What We Do
We represent young people who have been displaced by war or fleeing abuse, trafficked into the UK for exploitation and slavery, and young people separated from their families and effectively “invisible” in terms of civil and legal status because of immigration laws.
We help organisations, lawyers and charities to understand the needs, rights and entitlements of migrant and refugee children, and to develop projects supporting advocacy for their needs.
We take forward and help set up strategic litigation to achieve wider impact beyond individual cases to ensure that the rights of migrant and refugee children and young people are fully considered in law, policy and practice affecting their lives.
MiCLU offers bespoke training on issues relating to migrant and refugee children’s rights to a range of organisations and individuals. We also work with young people to design and deliver training for young people and professionals supporting them.
We provide direct, specialist legal representation to migrant and refugee children in asylum and immigration matters, based on a pioneering child-centred legal service. We have a 100% success rate in our direct representation to date.
News & Updates
Why we are calling for the repeal of Section 59 IMA
“If it was a safe country, victims of trafficking and blood feuds would get support instead of crossing the channel or coming in lorries and taking all those risks.” “I feel scared, not just upset, because maybe they will deport me and people are killed there all the time."
Luljeta Nuzi
MiCLU mourn the loss of and pay tribute to Luljeta Nuzi, founder and former CEO of Shpresa Programme who passed away following a protracted fight with cancer yesterday morning. Luljeta was the person who created the Breaking the Chains Project, our partnership project with Shpresa Programme of which we are
The Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill: Failure – or an opportunity? – to protect child and young migrants
The Refugee and Migrant Children's Consortium have produced a very helpful briefing around Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill. The briefing considers how the bill will impact migrant children, noting: One positive aspect of the bill is that it will repeal Illegal Migration Act (IMA) measures that would have
Publications MiCLU and the Islington Law Centre have contributed to. Click here for more.